I found a power glove at a sale over the weekend. After a half hour of playing around with it, I finally got it working. It's like a 17 year old Wii controller for NES games.
I got it working with Punch Out, but it really tore up my hand after playing with it for a while, there was some unfortunate friction occurring when I was making fists.
The punching controls are really picky, it'd probably take way to much practice to get good at that game with the Power Glove.
Sweet - now you can dig up some info & implement some power glove hax. As I recall, the SU library had some text on VR from the early 90s that had some info about hacking drivers for it.
That hack's pretty wicked, although I'm not sure if I'd ever try that with this particular Power Glove as I'm not sure if I could bring myself to open it up. The case containing the circuitry seems to be held together by interlocking pieces of plastic and not with screws or anything :(
The thing really does open up a lot of possibilities for fun projects, though.
Comments 4
The punching controls are really picky, it'd probably take way to much practice to get good at that game with the Power Glove.
The thing really does open up a lot of possibilities for fun projects, though.
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