I'm a little fuzzy right now, so I hope I'm doing this right...
If your flist isn't offering quite as many body parts as you'd like, I've turned off e-mails to this post so you can ask for random bits here. Please play fair and offer to do fanwork for someone else!
The original rules. Paste this on your LJ when you post your fanwork: Comment here with a character you're willing to do fanwork for, and I reply with a body part.
You make a tiny bit of fan-goodness concerning that body part. I come over and squee!
Post these instructions to request body parts from your flist! (Don't name private bits unless you know the commenter's cool with it.)
SEE HERE for a live example of the meme.
Since we're not starting with fanwork, in this post leave a comment if you want to play. Someone else should offer a character to fan-work (with their preferences, if any), and you ask for a body part. Remember, part of the meme is giving good squee for the bits you receive!
flyboy1: I wanna play!
budvar: Dr. Optican
flyboy1: lips
genius27182: Chuck. Nothing below the waist please.
flyboy1: hair
genius27182: Fine, I'll bite.
flyboy1: Melia the hologram girl
genius27182: Uh, hands.
Have fun. ^^ Challenge crossposted to