Okay. Lots to talk about.
Let’s start with the personal.
I posted last month that my uncle had died. I didn’t like the man and he and my aunt were divorced. I found out two days before the wake that the real reason for the divorce was not the fact that he was a horrible human being like I had thought, but he had cheated on my aunt. I knew he had a girlfriend that he was living with, but this is also the woman he was sleeping with while he was still married. Anyways, he really was a horrible human being.
My dad’s currently helping with all of the probate stuff and everything pertaining to wills and estate management. He didn’t have a very large estate, but my mom found out that he made more on unemployment last year than she did with her teaching salary. And we’re not sure he paid his taxes for last year. So we have that to deal with, all of his expensive collectibles to catalogue and try to sell. My aunt isn’t going to let Sean (the only cousin who’s a minor) have the amount of money due to him. Instead Grandma gets it for the funeral costs. So mom and dad have decided that the collectibles are going to get sold and then my cousins can have that money for college and so on.
Now, school started last week and I really love the class so far. I have the same history professor as last semester and he’s just really good. And he’s so interested in the material he’s teaching and I’m just really into it. It’s really fun because we just covered Sumer and Akkad last week and I immediately started internally giggling about The Scorpion King. Now we’re moving into Egypt, so this should be fun to. We’re also going to cover Greece and then Rome. I have a lot of background knowledge on this already, so that should be fabulous. I’m really, really excited.
Now moving onto television.
Over on my tumblr I’ve started the 500 Episodes challenge. Basically I watch 500 episodes I’ve never seen before in 2012. I’m pretty decently far in already, so I’m going to finish this way ahead even if I don’t catch up on old shows. And I’m catching up on a lot of old shows.
Stargate SG-1: There’s quite a number of episodes I haven’t seen yet, so I’m working my way through them on Netflix. It’s really fun to go back and watch, though I know exactly what kind of angst is coming up, so that should be fun.
Stargate Universe: I watched the first half of the first season and then got bored with it. Then, of course, I started watching it again after it had already been cancelled. Because that’s just my life. But it’s actually a lot better than I originally gave it credit for. Only the next episode I’m stuck on is a very unpleasant one with character death, so I’m waiting a little bit.
The Vampire Diaries: I mostly only watch this because it’s on Thursdays and I babysit then, but it’s actually pretty decent. Much, much better than Twilight in any case. These characters have some serious flaws to them and while Elena can be a bit annoying, I am very much a fan of the pretty boys on the show. And I love Caroline. The whole father-daughter relationship she has was very, very intense and I’m sort of pleased with how things went last week but at the same time it’s a little distressing.
Bones: I’m catching up on Season 6 (3 episodes to go!) but I really don’t care all that much about the Booth/Brennan dynamic. Not so much. I much prefer Jack and Angela, Cam, and all of the interns. Oh and Sweets and Daisy.
The Finder: This is a spin off ofBones. It is awesome. You really, really need to watch it. There was that episode a while ago where Booth and Brennan went down to Florida to find a treasure at sea or something and they used one of Booth’s old military buddies to find it because he finds stuff. Well, this is his show. And it’s so good. It’s quirky and the characters are great. Sweets showed up in one episode and I think Jack’s going to show up too, but I’m not 100% sure. But it’s really, really good.
Leverage: I absolutely adore this show. And the season finale was just fabulous. I loved how they brought back Dubenitch which was just so unexpected. I can’t wait for the next season.
Glee: Oh Ryan Murphy. You really make me want to throw things at you. A lot. Now, I didn’t go to public school so I can’t tell how much of this is reality and how much of this is Ryan Murphy being an utter lunatic, but…don’t you get in trouble for a lot of the things that happen at this school? The amount of physical and verbal abuse on this show just makes me want to cuddle the students close and tell them everything might not be okay in the long run, but as long as they have each other they’ll be okay. And I just have so many issues with this season in general. To start with: Quinn’s whole ‘I want Beth back’ thing would have done so much better last season. It would have been a much, much better plot. It was just a bit bizarre now. And don’t get me started on the whole idea Quinn had of having another baby to get it right. That is just asinine. And then the whole Puck/Shelby thing made me want to throw things. And is it really necessary for Sebastian to be such an ass? And you know what would have been a better storyline Ryan Murphy? If Sebastian liked Kurt instead! He already feels like he isn’t sexy (which is ridiculous and he clearly hasn’t watched himself perform) and it really isn’t necessary for someone to want to steal his boyfriend!
Also, the whole virginity episode was absolute bull. I understand this show doesn’t have continuity, but they made it a Very Big Deal for Artie when he found out Britt’s motivations behind sleeping with him. So why is he telling his actors that they should have sex? That’s just ridiculously infuriating. And Will. Oh and Will. I hate him. He’s a horrible teacher. Horrible. This show just makes me so angry sometimes. It’s like the only person on the show with an actual brain in their head is Burt and Carol. And why haven’t we seen Rachel’s parents yet? That could have been such a useful plot point for Kurt. Rachel has two dads - one black and one Jewish - that are gay in Ohio and have been raising a very high maintenance child in Ohio for nearly two decades. Why haven’t they been used for either Kurt or Santana’s storyline?
And yet I’ll still watch the darn thing on Tuesday.
Eureka: I started watching a while ago again even though I was far from pleased with the timeline switch. But oh dear Lord I got back into it. And it’s fabulous. I honestly don’t like Jack/Allison as much when they’re actually together as I do when they’ve got angst. But I love Henry and Grace and I love Jo and Zane. Almost even more now, which I didn’t think was possible. And Wil Wheaton is absolutely hilarious. I really enjoy the buildup to the Mars mission more now than I did when it was happening primarily because it’s interesting to see what happened. Knowing that the team is going to have to find a way to rescue Allison, Fargo, Grace, Zane, and Holly is really exciting. I now get why Jo didn’t go and why Parrish didn’t and why Henry didn’t. It’s because they’re also the brightest of the brightest, but now they have to go save everyone. I can’t wait until Jo finds out what happened.
Warehouse 13: I don’t ship HG/Myka like everyone else does. I just don’t. I’m okay with the idea of it. I don’t have any problems with it. I just don’t see it. It could be that I’m still stuck on the lingering remnants of the Pete/Myka shipper I had in me, but I’m just not into it. That being said…GO AHEAD AND RIP MY HEART OUT YOU STUPID SHOW. Oh God. I hope there’s some sort of magic fix it with that watch Artie was holding. Because I just can’t…I can’t handle everything that happened…That’s just…really upsetting.
Alphas: I’m not, you know, totally in love with this show, but I think it’s interesting that it mixes in with the two above shows. And Pete’s totally an Alpha. And Jinks. Totally Alphas. I really want to see Eureka and Warehouse 13 talk about Alphas, or just mention them in some way just to really tie it all in. But no. They won’t because it’s not their deal. It would still be fabulous though.
Castle: I can’t wait for tonight! I really love this whole buildup with Castle and Beckett. I really do think they’ll be amazingly wonderful together but…the thing is…she isn’t actually ready for him. I think she’s getting there. And it will be amazing when they do get together.
Moving on to movies…
I started 365 Films over on my tumblr too, something I’m a touch behind on, but still having fun with. Basically you watch 365 movies you’ve never seen before. I’ve ended up watching some really amusingly bad ones in the process.
There’s also The Avengers coming out which I absolutely cannot wait for at all. The new Superbowl trailer had me twitching and giggling and gasping. It was pretty ridiculous.
And now fanfiction.
Ah, fanfiction. I have so many problems writing you. I can’t seem to actually finish anything because I get too invested in it. I either do too much planning or I just lose interest. I’m trying to work on that because I do want to finish things. So I started writing something on one of the prompt meme things for the X-Men First Class fandom. Instead of just typing it up - because apparently I find blank word documents scary - I’m writing it in a notebook and then typing it up. I feel good about it and I’m going to do my hardest to finish it.
I’ve also signed up for an account over at archiveofourown.org, which is a fabulous website. There is a waiting period to actually get an account, and it’s still in the beta process so it’s sometimes a little glitch, but it’s - in my opinion at least - much better than ff.net. The caliber of the writing is so much better usually and you can put multiple pairings, multiple fandoms, multiple characters, warnings, and so on. If you put a story in the Iron Man and the Avengers categories, it shows up in both. Any Charles/Erik pairing will show up if you want to search that, be it from the movies, the comic books, or the various tv shows. You can link things together by a series, putting them in the proper order and rearranging that order later. You can download the stories in various formats like PDF so you can read them when you want on any device that has PDF capabilities. It’s so amazing and I love it. Aside from the part where you have to know HTML to post the stories, that is.
Now. I did sign up for Nanowrimo this past November so that I could actually get kickstarted on a story I was working on. And I really, really, really want to finish this story. I want to give it to the world. It’s a Stargate SG-1 / Atlantis / Universe crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is awesome. It is magnificent. There are vampire slayers and demons and vampires and Wraith and the First and people coming back from the dead and people getting their asses handed to them because they’re stupid and one person in particular who thinks she’s going to die so she doesn’t really do commitment which annoys Ronon who is trying to be in a commited relationship with her and then she really gets her ass handed to her and he sulks and Laura and Carson get back together and Sam has a baby and she and Jack get married and there’s miscellaneous stuff from Universe that appears because I’ve decided things may change and they may not change but it’s going to be FAB-U-LOUS. I just have to figure out exactly where it’s going and how the First is going to be defeated. But I am so very much in love with this story.
And that is all. Now I am going to clean my desk off so I can give myself a manicure because I’m working in the floral department at work this week in preparation for the Valentine’s Day rush.