... Right so.
I am now completely hooked on Doctor Who and I've only watched five episodes. And I would just like to add that it is completely
autophanous' fault D:. (LOVE YOU DEAR ♥.)
So. Now comes the life changing dilemma: it's 11 PM. Do I watch another episode or go to bed |D;? Doctor Who > sleep, whut?
Although I will most definitely go to sleep after the next episode, I swear. Today I was so brain dead from sleep deprivation (TWELVE HOURS OF SLEEP TOTAL OVER A SPAN OF FOUR NIGHTS) that I was either completely zoned out of it (I slept through the entirety of first period English this morning) or I found everything to suddenly be HYSTERICALLY FUNNY. Kind of like when my friends are tipsy/drunk. Only without the alcohol. It was sort of like "HA HA HA BEANS MAKE YOU FART. TEE HEE HEE." And then suddenly I was sobbing for some unbeknownst reason that I still cannot quite understand. Agh, I guess it's just... all the stress and the workload and the averaging three horus of sleep a night... bah, it just all piled up and I guess I just... let it get to me. But bah, no more of that >:E.
Although, one good thing did happen today: I was talking to a girl in my grade (who shall remain nameless-- HI SCHOOL FRIENDS IN MY BASE *waves*) and made an offhand comment about the crazy lack of sleep, and she agreed that it was crazy. Except then she said "But-- wow! That's not fair-- you only get that much sleep yet you still have such clear skin! I'm envious."
I kind of had to stop myself from staring blankly like an idiot for a minute because anyone who can get a good look at me knows that I do NOT have clear skin. Oh, and let it also be said that the girl who said this has FAR clearer skin than I do and I consider her to be one of the prettiest girls in my grade.
Moral of the story? ... Well, you all already knew this, but I guess it needs reinforcing sometimes: we are usually more critical of ourselves than others are D:.