Okay so like, the definite highlight of my day was getting a heavy, 20 minute long nosebleed at the end of lunch today. Hip hip hooray. Bah, it's not as if I'm not used to them, but ugh, gross. I hate blood. Especially when it just comes out of your nose in clots, and then you hold your head back to stem the flow a bit, and so then it's going down
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Comments 8
I'm sorry you had a bad da ♥ *Snuggles* I've never had a nose bleed *touch wood* let alone one that bad, but I still sympathise =(
Althoguh I've not had one, is tilting your head back a good idea? Oo All around here hen kids get nosebleeds they're told not to tilt back, but to tilt forward and pinch their nose.
*Snuggles* You're lucky then. It kinda runs on my dad's side of the family XD;.
Well, my parents are doctors and that's what I've always been told... but then again, a) I highly doubt something as trivial as nose bleeds is something they cover in medical school-- that's probably more like nursing and b) even if it were, it's not the first time my parents could be accused of having out-of-date knowledge. They DID go to med school over forty years ago now, so...
I get my clots and leakage badly in other areas though =D;; Which is mum's fault, yay >.> Why did I inheirt that and not like.. her never-shaven, never-hair legs?
I always heard that tilting back caused like clots/blockages/hemmorages(?!), but it might be hearsay on my part from the school playground. So I have no idea...
Anyway, you poor thing, your nose and your tongue! ;_;
I still think it is funny that we're just coming up to summer, and you're already getting into winter ^^;; Tehhhehehehe
well i can't say THAT'S ever happened to me but it sounds unpleasant!!! *HUGS!*
... *blood transfusion*
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