whoever that was needs a life
May 7 2004, 14:13:29 UTC
whoever u r, get a life, shes not any of what u said, and how do u know whoever replied to ur post doesnt know her better than u, i dont even know who u r and i can guarentee i know her better than u, wow u called me an asswipe, ur cool, call me w/e u want idc, especially if ur gonna post n not leave ur name, u really need a life, and some balls, and cat isnt any of what u said, grow up, get a life, and then realize that only a loser posts profanity on peoples journals, and doesnt leave their names, goodbye u pansy
u called whoever replied to ur first post an asswipe, u called me an asshole, so heres the correction: "wow u called me an asshole, ur cool, call me w/e u want idc, especially if ur gonna post n not leave ur name..." and furthermore, dont u think calling someone an asswipe is kind of ehhh 2nd grade? thought so
um can whoever said that please stop being a wuss and say who it was? I mean it's kinda 2nd grade of you to post anonymously when you are going to say crap like that....
Comments 6
and furthermore, dont u think calling someone an asswipe is kind of ehhh 2nd grade? thought so
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