New Game...
This is how it works. . .
1. A phrase or word will be posted as the "answer". For this example lets use the answer, "I was bored".
2. Leave a post with a question for the previous answer. Since the previous answer was "I was bored", a possible question could be. . . "What you don't want to hear after you ask your child why they put the cat in the microwave."
3. Post a new "answer" (It can be ANYTHING), for the next person to add the question to.
This is what it would look like. . .
Somebody would post this:
A: I was bored
Somebody would respond by posting this:
Q: What you don't want to hear after you ask your child why they put the cat in the microwave.
New A: Party Animal
Somebody would respond by posting this:
Q: What you call your dog after it eats all your pot.
New A: It was cold out.
GET THE IDEA? Now post the question to the answer "It was cold out." along with a new answer.
Eddie.. don't let me down!