what it is

Jun 20, 2005 21:05

Well last friday me and sean went to nc to see his sis. We went to carowins on sunday and it was pretty cool we rode that topgun rollercoster it was crazy and I rode a couple more cant remeber there names though. He rode this one ride called dropzone and I was to big of a puss to get on it. So right after we left carowins we went to O'Charlies and ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

sw1mmer75 June 24 2005, 05:43:36 UTC
Hey man...this is shaun!....what's up my home dog....I hope that your summer is goin good...and i'm gonna add you to my friends list...you be good and take er easy!



hey gatorsball_44 June 24 2005, 13:07:59 UTC
hey shaun ahh nottin much is going on and yeah my summer is going pretty good I guess and yeah your on my friends list now


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