quelle bon chancerosawestphalenOctober 19 2003, 11:38:00 UTC
which I hope is "what good luck" but idiomatic phrases are not my strong point. Still, driving into Paris *and* finding parking are quite a fortuitous occurrences. And how spectacularly cool it must have been to drive into Paris (though also possibly spectacularly crazy, too). :-) I bet it's gorgeous beyond description. I can't wait to see your updates. It's been a pleasure to read when you have updated, brings light to my days here in Lala land.
Re: quelle bon chancegattagrigiaOctober 20 2003, 08:29:49 UTC
'fortuitous', yes. sane, no. altho the guys are quite liking the no-nonsense drive style. It was a long trek up from Gard, about 8 hours, including a short stop for lunch, and the Fete de Terroir that was being held in Quissac as we left (and you can imagine what we non-french speakers called it to annoy our only Frenchiphile!).
What a wonderful thing to do! Good for you all! It's been lovely to have these little updates - hope you continue to have a great time. But my, you missed out on a solid week of rain here - what were you thinking?
Missed you at the Monthly Local Gathering yesterday, where we had quiche in your honor.
Drink a toast to Seattle with that wine while you're there, okay?
Believe it or not, we missed the rain and comfortable temperatures up till about 5 days ago. It's blessedly cool now in Paris, and heading toward 1-2 degrees tonight. And rain tomorrow.
PotC was playing on the tiny screen in front of me on the trans-atlantic flight. I think they can get in at least 2 full showings a flight...
Don't torture me with Paris, just don't!! I was telling a friend last night about how great your travel agenda is: food, apartment, scenery, food, wine, wine, wine. I am suddenly a subscriber to the Wine Spectator, through some online offer, and I think of you and John every time it arrives. Hi to J. Eat some pate for me.
Comments 6
I bet it's gorgeous beyond description. I can't wait to see your updates. It's been a pleasure to read when you have updated, brings light to my days here in Lala land.
Miss you mightily. Love to you and yours.
Missed you at the Monthly Local Gathering yesterday, where we had quiche in your honor.
Drink a toast to Seattle with that wine while you're there, okay?
PotC was playing on the tiny screen in front of me on the trans-atlantic flight. I think they can get in at least 2 full showings a flight...
will see you soon! n
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