This dream I had

Jul 10, 2009 16:39

I'll throw this behind a cut in case people don't feel like reading about me sleeping.

So, this dream I had. It was one of those dreams where you swear everything in it is 100% real, and going on right now, and there's nothing fantastical or weird like spaceships or people heads on dog bodies to let you know that this is, in fact, a dream. It's the kind of thing where only some sort of physical jostling will drag you from it, be that falling out of the bed from "running," or someone shaking you awake. I really should have posted this when I woke up this morning; it was a weird one.

Anyway, in this dream I was going to college. It was current, though, meaning I was going back to college after not being there for [Jesus, really?] 9 years. When I got there, I was in some kind of meeting with the rest of the kids moving in, who were of the normal post-highschool, college-going age. Something like an orientation meeting. The building where the dorms were was called The Pyramid, named for it's large triangular shape and entrances built into the side of it, accessible by stone stairways (my brain justified this by making me think that the school just had some wacky avant garde architecture in some spots). I set up some stuff in my room (I don't remember if there was a roommate there or not), and then went down to the dining hall to eat. It was one of those feelings where you've been away from something for a while, but you still know how to go through the motions even if the medium is different. Like how you know how to ride a 10-speed right away after only having a BMX bike growing up. And the kids around me didn't really have the system down yet. I remember the dining hall had a big wall of windows, which outlooked over to some mountains (something like this), but the view was to more greenery and peaks. I commented to someone about the beauty of the campus, saying that the campus I started out in at Villanova was much better than the one I wound up in at Siena (further entrenching me into the "reality" of the dream). In fact, right before I was pushed awake by the lovely wife, I had my first clue that this may have been a dream--the spotting of and conversing with Komos in the dining hall. After eating, I left the dining hall and looked up at the dorm. From the outside, I could see people climbing up and down the outdoor staircases, and I marvelled at the size of the thing and was not looking forward to climbing up however many tiers of The Pyramid I needed to climb up to my room. And as I started trudging forward, I was awoken.

Now, I thought a lot about where this had come from, and I think I found all my sources. All of them came from the last week, and some as late as the day of. The images and thoughts that conspired to send me back to school, are such:

-Learning of an old friend's current success as a Doctor spawned some thoughts that I should have stayed in school after getting the BA, instead of going to work and traipsing around the NE corridor following the girl I was with at the time.
-There is a current Wal*Mart ad campaign for their off-to-college bedroom packs and accessories, where the smiling new student and his parents set up a college room in floor-to-ceiling Wal*Mart prefab crap, all in bright, ridiculous colors.
-I had a conversation this past week with the wife about our colleges, and I mentioned that I may have left my first school for incorrect reasons.
-I was talking to TDL the other night and the subject of the Cosmic VCR came up again. In short, the Cosmic VCR is what we will all be presented with when we die. It's the afterlife, the way a lot of us would like to spend eternity--playing What If? games. It allows you to pick any point in your history, and go back and live it again, making any new choice you want.
-I saw a commercial for Cape Cod last night, which in turn made me think of a kid I knew freshman year that was from there, which made me remember that we met at the dorm floor's orientation meeting the first day of school.

I don't think I've ever had some many different elements over a couple of days come together so forcefully into a dream, especially events that I actually have recollection of happening.

Quick hits:
In first-time news, I'm on my way to Fenway this Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY, for the first time since I've moved here. My brother is in town for a wedding this weekend, and we get to hang out Sunday before he goes back to WA on a Monday morning redeye.

New articles up by Those Beer Snobs. Anything you want to see up there? Lemme know! It's like a 21st birthday bar crawl, I'll drink what you say and buy it myself. You can't lose!

I want some dinner and beers tonight. Hmm.
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