Draw 4 :: White Knights Lord

Jun 07, 2010 00:21

[Manjoume appears to be rather annoyed. Moreso than usual, actually - in fact, one could say he's rather livid, at the moment. He also looks somewhat disheveled, as though he's been searching for something, hasn't found it, and is rather frantic over the thought of possibly losing that thing.]

Those bastards... They stole my cards!

[Well, that would be why, then.]

Why would you want those weak cards anyway? Saiou-sama gave you powerful cards forged by the Light itself, after all!

[Cue Manjoume freezing up, because that was his voice that just spoke from behind him, wasn't it. He turns around, to find this guy standing on the other side of the cell, staring at him smugly.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Manjoume's got a doppleganger roommate, and he is called White Thunder. Bet you couldn't see that one coming, haha... I am probably going to wind up writing him very off, sorry... And the real Manjoume is shocked beyond belief.]

...I'm hallucinating. Tell me I'm hallucinating!

Are you, really? Tell me, why did you turn your back on Saiou-sama? You had everything you could ever desire, back when you basked in the glory of the all-powerful, glorious Light. Back when we basked in the glory of the all --

[Manjoume interrupts him, furious.]

I. Am Not. You.

But you were, once. And you could be happy like that again, if you'll only --

Shut up! There's no real happiness or accomplishment if I'm just following some bastard blindly like a stupid sheep! And my cards are better than anything he could ever offer me!

[...And now Black Thunder will be staring furiously at White Thunder, who will be staring back irritatingly smugly at Black Thunder for a while. Feel free to bother.]

manjoume jun [ru]

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