Title: That Boy is a Monster (One Shot)
Author: Liz (
Beta: none
Rating: NC-17?
Genre: Romance, slight humour, and umm I have no clue.
Pairing: You/Gackt/You
Warnings: language, mild smut, m/m love, and somewhat AUish in the beginning.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: You meets Gackt at a bar and everything changes for him.
Word count: 1,347
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Comments 16
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I write a lot for you now that I think about it XDD
I love you lots bb and no more prompts for a month for you!
WUT? NO MOAR? But.. but it would make this monster happy
( ... )
Such a goofy yet unfairly still sexy monster XD
Okay okay umm I'll have to think of a prompt XD
Really I like anything you write so ummm -shrugs- lol
This was beautiful.
I had to stop reading only twice because two particular lines threw me off with lolz. I can't always explain it but my sense of humor is twisted and at the point, it probabily wasn't your intention but...Pffffff XD
Anyway, it's very interesting to read something from the first person's perspective. As I told you before, I'm used to third.
Keep it up, I want to see more!
...Just warn me before I read. *stares at evil crackers*
I'm glad you enjoyed it even with the lolz. (^_^)
If you guys aren't sick of me yet I'll try to work on another one XD
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I'm glad you enjoyed it, hun!
i love the You POV.
We see a lot of GACKT but it's good to see You's POV,
I love how there love is strong.
GACKTXYou forever.
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