Who do you love?

Jul 22, 2009 15:44

I thought this was a cool way to spread the geek love, so I'm doing it...............from sheppard4lily ..............cool idea.  Thanks for posting this.

Real name: 

Do you have alternate names in other sites? 
I'm either gavet97 or the Queen of Useless Information

Living where? 
Near Atlanta, Georgia  (yep, I'm a Southern Rose.  Or maybe not so much.)

Tell me a little about yourself: 
Doctor, wife, mother of 2............a busy, nerdy lady that is still learning some of this LJ stuff (apologies from the noob)

(in order of importance)  Star Trek (all forms, but original Trek is still *God*), Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Batman comics, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars.  Do the Beatles count?

Your heart will forever belong to which fandom? 
OMG--original Trek and Mr. Spock.  Love him, love him, love him.  Don't care what he does.  Movies,  his photography, just standing there...........

Fandom you are most active at the moment: 
Stargate Atlantis and SG-1

Do you write/read fanfics? To which fandoms and which genres? 
Read?  Yes--Stargate right now.  I lean more towards Shweir/Sparky, but have a healthy respect for McShep.  Write?  Only for private consumption.  I don't think it's that good!  =)  And I like a good dose of R or NC-17.  (Hey, I admit it!)

Do you make art? What kind and to which fandoms? 
Nope.  Not that talented.  I am not artistic--too scientific, I guess.

What's your main activity in your LJ? 
Sci-fi, and I'm ashamed to say I lurk every day and only post occasionally.  My life is dull except for my love for TV/movies and going to an occasional Con.

Would you consider adopting another fandom if it is awesome enough? 
Oh yes--but there's always that moment of "oh man, do I have time for ANOTHER one?"  Case in point, BSG.  That took some effort finding time to absorb it all, and I'm glad I did!  I'm also giving Warehouse 13 a chance right now, mainly because of upcoming Joe, but it better get better soon.  I ain't impressed yet.

Fandom 1:  TREK
Favorite character:  Spock!

Least favorite character:
Um, not sure I have a "least favorite" cuz I love them all in TOS.  I guess I like Sulu the least, and I hate to say that because I met George Takei, who was absolute DOLL.  In Next Gen, I can't stand Tasha Yar--somebody get that woman a rabies shot and tell her to shut the hell up.  Couldn't watch DS9.  In Voyager, didn't like Harry Kim (and he'll be at Dragoncon this year.  Ooops.)  In Enterprise, Mayweather (also a D*C guest!)

Gen fan?
I love it all, and am happy Trek is "cool" again with the new movie.

If not, OTP?
Huh?  My newness asserts itself again.

Main activity in this fandom:
Going to cons and seeing the actors.  Got a couple of LJ communities that I follow, but it's all about the people that brought it to life for me.

Why do you like this fandom?
This will sound completely stupid, but Leonard Nimoy made intelligence sexy and has completely ruined me for life.  I am now a doctor, and have a horrible crush on any skinny, intelligent man.  My hubby is pleased he fits the bill.  I ain't going into the whole "wonderful future" bit that's been beaten to death.  I love the characters and Team! love.

What's your favorite aspect about this show? 
See above.

Anything else you want to share?
I got into Trek when I was 13.  I met Walter Koenig at that time, and he was very nice to that shy little 13 year old girl.  I met him again last year, told him that story, and got a stinkin' big ol' hug from him.  Sigh.  And you wonder why I like the actors????

Fandom 2:  Stargate (gonna do SGA and SG-1 together)  I'm currently Netflix'ing SG-1, so apologizes as I am only in Season 5!

Favorite character:
John Sheppard and Jack O'Neill

Least favorite character:
Lt. Ford and sometimes (ducks the tomatoes) Daniel Jackson

Main activity in this fandom:
Fanfic, fanvids, meeting the actors

Why do you like this fandom?
I have to say that of all the fans I've come across, the women in this group are the funniest, most open people I've met.  I don't feel so silly now knowing there are ladies out there as nuts over this show as I am!

What's your favorite aspect about this show?
Team!  (And any show involving Sheppard and O'Neill heavily.)  Gee, that sounded shallow.  Maybe I am!

Anything else you want to share?
I think I'm not gonna be able to do anything but sqeak to myself when I meet Joe Flanigan and Paul McGillion this year.  Somebody send me some strength.  I don't get fangirly--I get *quiet* and that's boring!

All other fandoms I dabble in, but not with any regularity............

stargate, star trek, meme

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