I've been trying to learn about LJ, and would love to post more often, and with pics, and with fun little animated thingees, but I am LJ-stupid, and have been trying to make a "cut" on this damn thing for over an hour, so laugh at me as I ramble.
Try again.....
Ramble number 1--December 8th, 1980. I was only 9 and don't remember much, but it's been 28 years since the Man That Will Not Be Remembered shot John Lennon. John would be 68 if he was still with us. I wonder what he would be doing? I seriously doubt he would be pulling an Elvis and playing Vegas all fat and bloated. With his opinions that were ahead of his time (house husband years before it was cool?), he would be leading the way for the open-minded people of the world.
And don't get me started on losing George Harrison. If you know me, you know that he is my most-est, favorite-est, best-est person ever. I love that man. I even miss my 14-year-old kitty I named George Harrison Ford. Why did George have to leave us at 58? Too young. I can't talk too long on that one or I'll cry. (Did you know I cried when I drove by his house on my one trip to England 3 years ago? My hubby and best friend just smiled and shook their heads. I'm Harrison hopeless.)
Ramble number 2--I don't want Jan 9th to get here! I'm going to miss my Friday night dates with Atlantis sooo much. Even my hubby and kids know that 9-10 p.m. is Mommy and Joe time. Leave Mommy alone. At least I own them all on DVD. At least I have my Dragoncon membership and hotel room ready for next Labor Day so I can hang with other Stargate nerds like me. What I DON'T have is a way to keep my weekly cuppa Joe. Youtube, here I come.
Ramble number 3--I wish I knew how to make fanvids, banners, animated icons, and cute LJ entries. You'll just have to deal with what I got right now.
Ramble number 4--I hope this cut works!!.