I'm lovin' my new Stargate Mag this month

Dec 15, 2008 16:28

Well, kiddies, the new Stargate mag arrived in the mailbox today.  I'm afraid to say I don't have a scanner, or I'd include some
scrum-dilly-icious pics, especially of our man John.  But I can post part of his interview.

.First of all, it's titled "Captain Fantastic".  Snerk!

Q:  You've been with Stargate Atlantis since the beginning.  Is there an experience that typifies your time here?

JF:  I can't point to any one thing because there are a lot of things.  From an acting perspective what I'll miss the most are the times where you're like, "Hey, this is kind of cool!  I'm running around in the forest with a gun, blowing stuff up, I'm with a good buddy of mine and I'm getting paid well--this is fun!"  Those are the good moments.  The bad moments are when you're wading through material that you can't quite make work, it's raining, you're far away from home and you're hoping you're going to be able to get back to spend 24 hours with your family.  It kind of goes between those two extremes."

(Oh Joe, you squishy, squishy man.  Not only do we love you for giving us that gun porn, we luv you for your wee family too.)--gavet97

JF:  I did 11 pilots in a row--and they don't get seen, so you're kind of in a void.  You're thinking, "That was a really good show, it's too bad nobody saw it!"  But this, this people watch and get into and respond to.  There are elements in the show that are wildly successful--I think the relationship between Sheppard and McKay is great, and I'm going to miss that a lot, and the action stuff with me and Ronon is just a lot of fun.

(Validation for fawkesielady!  You know you love it, girl)--gavet97

Q:  Is there anything that John didn't get to do, in your eyes?

JF:  I wish that I'd had a leading female romantic interest who was, like, my boss. I was thinking we could get some of that Moonlighting quality into the show, where it's not gratuitous nonsense and romantic excess, it's just under the surface, hidden, and consequently incredibly frustrating.  You have a job to do, and you have to push your feelings aside.  That makes for some of the best movies and television around.

(Validation for my Sparky!)--gavet97

Q:  Do you have a message for the fans?

JF:  Yes!  I'm going to miss you guys a lot.  I hope that you are with me on the next project.  It's been an awful lot of fun, and I hope I get to do science fiction for the rest of my life.  I do.  The fans are awesome.  I was warned that I might have weird experiences with sci-fi fans, but I didn't have any really weird experiences.  The truth is I don't think it's weird to be loyal and passionate.  My wife is loyal and passionate although she can also be interpreted as weird!

(Will we follow you to your next project, Joe?  DUH!  We'll be lined up!  And go to more conventions, man!  Meet us people!)--gavet97

Lots more in the mag.......it's all about Atlantis, so pick it up!

And can I say how HAWT John looked in the preview for Vegas?  Too bad it's the next to last ep......

stargate the official magazine, joe flanigan

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