and the flood gates opened... ganking will reign

Sep 11, 2008 11:54

Well Blizzard did it. They said they never would, but they opened up Paid Toon Transfers from the Player vs Enviornment (PvE) servers to the Player vs Player (PvP) servers. Now I am one one to cry but I am personally a bit frustrated at this for a few reasons...

1. Leveling is a slower process on PvP because you get killed A LOT. I am sure Amee can remember the 3 months working in Hillsbrad where there are times when I would just log off bc an alliance would show up and be a ?? level to us and turn us into paste. PvE players level faster and then will move to PvP servers and congest even the lightly populated servers.

2. Grinding any gathering profession can be tricky even with current population density on my server (Tich). Add into that the influx of transfers that will come along and the resources will become even more scarce.

3. Any time there is an influx of people, economies on the server are bound to change. I have already seen a bit of a slump in the Auction house transactions I do. People have started to liquidate their extra stuff for Gold to help them when Wrath comes out.. More people could really slump the economy. I hope it doesnt but I just am figuring it will happen. 
OK enough of my rants... now for some raves...

I was up late last night downloading the beta (and working on my company's firewall while waiting) and finally got hte last patch started to download around 1230am. i woke up and had a few minutes and installed the patch and it actually let me into the game!  I didn't have much time but I couldn't help it... I signed in and created my Tauren death knight.  I got to see the intro and play for all of about 10 min but I can't wait to play more.  The death knights look awesome and seeing the Lich King right there at the start was amazing.  The starting area looks pretty awesome as well.  I can't wait to see more.  :-)  

wrath of the lich king, blizzard entertainment, gaming

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