Tutorial: Installing an S1 layout

Nov 05, 2007 08:56

This tutorial will show you how to install an S1 layout through LJ's new customization area. (Version 4 of tutorial.)

P A R T    1:    P R E P E R A T I O N S

Copy the codes, found in the layout information under
Installation --> Codes,
and paste them in Notepad (or any other text editor). Press Ctrl H and replace all USERNAME with your actual LJ username.

O P T I O N A L: Uploading images to own server.

I have all my images uploaded to gawariel_designs photobucket account, which is a pro-account. It is not really necessairy to upload them yourself, but if you wan to be safe you can do so.

Once you uploaded them, you need to replace the URL's in the code. Again, the easiest way is to use the Ctrl H function.

The URL of the images uploaded by me is something like this:


When you have uploaded them to your own server, those URL's will look something like:


So, you copy the URL of my images just in front of the image name (copy only the bold, green part) and place it in the "Search For" box of your Notepad CTRL H. Then copy the green,bold part of your image-URL and paste it in the "Replace with" box. Hit "Replace All" and all your images should be changed to your uploaded images

It is essential that you have a website defined on your LJ, if you want your layout to work.
Without the website it is very likely your header and sidebar won't show/work.

To define a website you have to go to Manage Info and type something in the Link-box. It doesn't matter what, as long as it is not empty!

P A R T    2:    L J     W I Z A R D

Go to Manage --> Customize.
Scroll down to the bottom of the left, blue sidebar until you see a link Switch to old style system (S1). Click this link.

LJ will ask you if you are sure. Click Switch me to S1 anyway.

Now you are on a page with two tabs.

Visual Options

We will only need the Visual Options tab.
Underneath it are 7 different section that will be explained bellow.

J O U R N A L     T I T E L S

You can fill these out or you cannot. The choice is entirely up to you!


Check the layout information to know which style you need to use. This is always one style for all views, and most of the time this style is Generator.
However, do pay attention, because there are a few layouts that use other styles.

You can find the style information under
General Information --> Style.


Found in the layout information underneath
General Information --> Custom colours

Check the custom colors box and make sure every box is empty.

M O O D     T H E M E S

Select your chosen moodtheme.

N A V I G A T I O N     S T R I P

It is recommended that you switch your navigation strip off, when using an S1 layout. This is because it can intervene with the look of your layout.

You can find information about the navigation strip in the layout information under
General information --> Navigation strip.

To disable the navigation strip, uncheck both boxes.

S H O W     C O M M U N I T Y     U S E R P I C S

Check or uncheck the box according to your personal preference!


Paste the codes of the layout, found under
Installation --> Codes,
in the overrides box.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!


tutorials, tutorials: livejournal

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