Here's the layout I showed you yesterday.
As I say bellow, I haven't had the chance to test this in resolutions smaller the 1280*800. I think it still looks okay in 1024*768, but I really don't know. So if you guys could let me know? THANKS!
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Comments 24
Its looks alright here - using Firefox =)
Thanks for the new layout! >w<
In firefox, using 1024x768, there is a horizontal scrollbar, altough noting is there to actually scroll to.
The date and time of the post goes a bit beyond the middle column. I took a screenshot of it ^_^
As you can see, it's nothing major, and it works fine. And in any other bigger resolution, it will be perfect. Thanks for sharing it ^_^
Now, I just HAVE to see the movie, lol. I never could be bothered to, until now.
Both the date in the scrollbar should be fixed now. Can you check, please?
The movie isn't out here yet. I still need to wait a couple of weeks ^_^
It also looks great at 1280x1024. :D It's really good to be on my home comp ^_^
Meming and will credit when used =)
Thank you for sharing!
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