Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given!
If anyone else wants to do this for me go ahead (no repeats XD), also I'll give you stuff if you ask as referenced by the meme itself.
Resurai gave me:
Shaman King
Juggling heads
Shaman King:
Shaman King is my favourite, and probably first "real" series, or fandom as they are called these days. It has influenced my art, ideas, taste in anime/manga, and a lot of other things actually. I love the characters, the art (even the later stuff) and mostly the world and the premice of Shaman King to the nth degree. I have gotten into intense discussions with people over the concepts of a Shaman King Movie, endings, the merits of Shaman King etc. I love it so much, that I gave one of my friends Volume 18 as a Christmas "joke" gift just so I could talk to him about it. He then went on to say that most of my OCs are a combination of various female Shaman King characters... it's what I get for giving him 18 I guess. I also own 16 Shaman King Figures, 2 Wallscrolls, one of the Japanese guide books, 2 plushies, both official DVDs, the HK Bootleg set, most of the series downloaded, and all of the english releases so far. I like Shaman King.
Sonic the Hedgehog was my main thing growing up. I loved the stupid kids cartoon, and I would imagine myself running in halfpipes like Sonic did in the show. Sonic was essentially my Hero, so I related to Tails a lot in my younger days. Eventually I got a Genesis, but when I read the instruction book I got freaked out that Robotnik transformed animals into slave robots so I pretended to get headaches and traded it in for a SNES with Super Mario World; which lead to future likes in gaming, ie: minor Nintendo fanboyism. After this, I had a gamegear with no AC adapter and bad hard Sonic games; but really thrived on the wonderful Sonic Comics of the 40-90ish issue range. I ordered as many back issues as I could, and had ALL the Super Specials. I later bought a Saturn while the console was dying, and with it the wonders of SONIC JAM. I allowed me to play easy modes of all the numbered games, and watch some awesome anime videos and commercials from Japan. I once had a dream about Sonic snowboarding, and a few days later I found a magazine which showed he would be doing that, and other things in the upcoming game Sonic Adventure. SA would eventually become one of my favourite games of all time, and definately the one I have played through multiple times. Now I still like Sonic, somehow; and am looking forward to Sonic fighting King Arthur to a celtic version of Throw it All Away.
Is a thing Res should totally draw. The story of the CrabMonkey starts in 11th grade. I was in applied math with my ol pal Charlie. He drew a camel with a worm for a head. So I drew a crab with a monkey head growing out of the middle of its body screaming at the sky. Charlie was a bit scared. I later drew the Crab Monkey for class, and later fighting Godzilla. He is survived by the Anglerfishwallaby, and the Squid Bat. Except he is very much alive.
Juggling Heads:
I have no idea what res means by this. Well, that's not true. It could be a few things, like my issues with personas or something more emotional... Lets see if a google search helps. Actually lets ask the woman herself.
mathemagician negi: Bl one time when you were depressed you drew a guy juggling headsGeo: XDDDDDDD Really?mathemagician negi: yesGeo: Holy shit.... XDDDmathemagician negi: you scared me and eryn
Geo: Im not sure I actually drew that.... I know I drew scary faces...
mathemagician negi: you drew someone juggling and eryn was like "awww" and then you pointed an arrow at them saying "heads" and we were like "...."
Geo: XDDD Ooooh, that's more possible...
Geo: I miss those days, well, not the depression, more those days in general...
mathemagician negi: ):
This might have been... well, I don't remember the exact time really... Could have been at any one of many points. I do miss those days though, that period of time was one of my happiest; again, not that specific moment obviously, but that span of months/year. Which leads well into...
I don't know how I stumbled across it. I obviously loved Shaman King, but the fact I joined a message board is surprising. This was my 3rd ever non-gamefaqs message board. Bionicle, Sonic, and then SKU. SKU introduced me to some of the most amazing people I have ever met, and really started and expanded what I consider the best part of my life so far. Obviously I met my now girlfriend there, and it was an awesome series of events that lead up to that. But, there was so much more. There was such an amazing community there, disjointed and yet connected. There were funny moments, hilarious people, vile enemies such as Zinc, amazing friends, and AF.
Oh snap sappy....
I met Jr. A guy with a rough past trying to make the best of his life in whatever way he could; and Akio, his fellow then Horo loving friend, who soon became obsessed with an anime only oneshot SK character known as Ashil. I met Inu, this girl who seemed sad sometime, but was so bubbly and cheerful most of the time, she fueled so many awesome chats and associated crazyness... I met Mystic and her sister, random Romanians who became my SK RP partners. And who could forget Gus? Gus... Gus.... Gus reminds me of SoM and Yohkun due to Geographical location. Yohkun is a friend who I can only describe as awesome friendly fluctuation. And Jewish. SoM was almost like a protage to me for a while, and then I realized he was some kind of genius 7th grader who spoke like he was a first year english major. Mata became this crazy wise respected, knowledgable sage figure on the forum, and in my life; and Lovely made it all happen, as well as being an awesome person to talk to, and very encouraging. She should be online more. Her apperances in the SKU chat room were like visits from the pope. Dessa became my unspoken rival and antogonist, until Zinc or Kawaii Kenny took that role with gusto. Synsan is someone I will never forget and made a huge difference and change in my life, and the same could be said about resurie. Although the reasons may not be best to post right here, right now; they are two of the most pivotal people in my last 5 years of life. LC and his then girlfriend now wife Saturn were people I have always, and continue to look up to and think unbelievably highly of. LC is an inspirational writer and one of the most encouraging people I have met online. And of course I met Alicia (Pinkechidna) which I don't believe I fully have to go into what happened there.
But, it was that SKU RP, it was what drew everyone together. It inspired people, it made us laugh, fight, work together, draw, watch more Shaman King, watch and play new anime and games to get references... It was my first RP, and inspired me to make RPing one of the most important and staple things in my life.
In grade 11, two things changed my life. Improv club, and SKU.
I love SKU.
When SKU's RP shut down, I am quoted to have said something like, "I feel as though we are dancing in the skeleton of a once glorious beast" or something like that, and it couldn't be further from the truth. In its height, I would delight in defending my Kingdom from Yohkun and Mata, I would have fun drawing moments of the RP, I could talk for hours in that Vas Chat, and I remember looking at the mods in admiration.... Man... (note: if I forgot anyone from SKU in that rant up there I am sorry and I suck XD;) This one time, this kid even showed up in the chat saying he was off to a martial arts tournement, it was one of the most surreal things I have ever experienced, you had to have been there.
Oh that AF... I mean SKU...