it has, and I blame being happy, working hard, riding my bicycle and continuing positive changes in my world.
Two weekends ago, Byronium and I decided to go on a bicycle ride. This should have been a lot easier than it was, but neither of us had been riding in a while, so time was taken in finding gear, bikes, parts, and then installing the rack back on his Fusion. Hrm. This was a comedy of errors with bolts falling into hidden places in the car, to not having the appropriate hex key wrench at either house, forcing a visit to the hardware store...
Instead of meeting llamaeyes at 2 pm, it was closer to 3something, and by the time we made it to Coyote Hills... I was worried the sun would set on us. Llamaeyes and I did 5 miles before turning around, doing our first ride of the year - 10 miles already! w00t! I felt stronger than I thought, not having been on the bike since the Gran Fondo and my poor body giving out and cramping up into one big mass...
I have some anxiety around that. Falling, Hills, not being able to unclip....
But this was good. Some small hills were easily conquered!
Sun night ended up at Red Robins with llamaeyes and byronium - thanks to the llama for letting me shower at her place - it helps my skin immensely to not sit in my salty sweat.
this past weekend, decided to not go skiing (weather's been a little too warm) and spend it riding again. Fortunately meeting up with the Llamaeyes on Saturday went a lot faster this time, and she and I did another 10 miles while byronium did 15 with some hills. This time felt a lot harder. I've been doing yoga but not a lot of aerobic, as well as having a bad asthma incident during the week before, I'm going to still call this a success - I did the 10 miles, but my legs felt a lot more tired.
In food thoughts - the weekend was all about Italian Food! Friday night, Byronium and I went to Specchio, where I ran into a particular someone from a party the week before. heh! that was pleasant. Dinner was amazing, and the chef - rather handsome. ;)
saturday night I was craving plain ol' spagetti and meatballs, and in our attempt to find it, we ended up at another good italian resturant, which meant not spagetti and meatballs, but instead Sicilian style crab (steamed, with olive oil, lemon and red onions), and pasta bolgonese, brown butter and sage for llamaeyes, and byronium had the oxtail... death in delicious pasta form!
Sunday, I got my pksetii and meatballs! But not before we went for ANOTHER bike ride. :)
headed up to China Camp so that byronium could mtn bike and I did another shorter road ride, getting used to hills. I went back and forth along a section I felt comfortable and challenging since I was alone. Did it three times and decided my lungs were hurting too much to keep trying for a fourth. Felt great that I did the hills with adequate power and smooth shifting!
Then we had lunch at The Broken Drum Brewery, where they were doing a fundraiser for a group called (Trips for Kids) - the food was good at Broken Drum, as was their cider, so well worth the trip out. I'm looking forward to more china camp adventures!
No yoga this week, except if I skip the women's event on Friday and go - debating it, need to email a certain Lady to see if she's interested in going. But next week, planning on going Monday and Wednesday if possible. and pending weather, trying for spin class near work or home either tuesday or thursday...
Valentine's Day was a bit of a mess for me - I FORGOT and didnt wish my love happy valentine's day, nor did I make it up by getting any sorts of pressies! Worst GF ever. But I think he forgives me. We had a great evening of Steak, Crab and Old Man Drinks with basmatiheather and jong. and the cats. YAY CATS!
Speaking of cats, cutting this short, heading on home to run some errands and get them to my place. I wfh tomorrow, getting the chimney swept, and need to straighten up the house a bit so there's access to the fireplace. :)
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