
Feb 22, 2010 16:56

Character: Kate Kane/"Batwoman"
Series: DC Comics
Character Age: mid to late 20s (I think)
Job: Crossing Guard.
Canon: Growing up the bratty daughter of dedicated, loving military folk, Kate's life was changed forever when a tragic kidnapping and rescue attempt gone wrong led to the loss of her mother and identical twin sister. From then she grew close to her father and chose to pursue a military career as he and her mother had. Unfortunately, inability to lie about her homosexuality led to her discharge from military academy, a terrible blow to her self-image. After moving back to Gotham City she buries her feelings in a wild party lifestyle until a brief encounter with Batman inspires her to find a new way to serve the people.

As Batwoman she is skilled and well-equipped, drawing on years of special training, her family's fortune, and the help of her father. She's dedicated, more than a little feisty and good at what she does. Having spent all her life around trained army personnel Kate enjoys straightforwardness, as well as the discipline and structure of routine, and affectionately calls her father 'Sir' when she reports to him.

Sample Entry: I arrived in camp at approximately 1220 hours. In spite of the time and the broad daylight conditions, the moon appeared to be shining in the sky. Furthermore, it seemed to be winking at me. This suggests the possible presence of hallucinogens of some variety in the air or an elaborate light show using future tech.

I commenced a perimeter search, noting little human activity near the barrier. Though the barrier itself is unguarded it appears to be equipped with powerful defense mechanisms. I witnessed a young man attacking the barrier with a large rock only for the rock to immediately bounce back at him; upon impact the boy turned into an animate plush toy but appeared otherwise unharmed. It is unclear whether the barrier caused the transformation through magical means or merely triggered a metahuman ability against the boy's will. The possibility of the former suggests caution should be taken, lest I find myself one foot tall and furry. The boy then threatened to 'care bear stare' the barrier into submission, lasting approximately five minutes before he gave up and made his way back to the inhabited portion of the encampment.

As of approximately 1300 hours I am being approached by a purple talking gorilla, no apparent relation to any gorilla super villains. He appears to be my official welcoming party and is supplying me with basic camp items (1 shot gun, 1 laptop computer and the most blindingly ugly tracksuit I have ever seen), as well as a series of pamphlets entitled as follows: 'So You're Becoming a Counselor, How to Deal With the Changes in Your Lifestyle and Changes To Your Body'; 'Bodyswitching and You'; 'It's Called a Breakdown Because It's Broken, Coming to Terms with Camp-Induced Mental Dysfunction'; and 'It's Okay, Everyone Is Gay'. Cute.

My preliminary survey of the camp makes it clear that this place is packed to the brim with crazy. I suspect, in the long term, it will make Gotham look sane in comparison. Should be fun.

In: 83.3%


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