Spring Break starts this week; I'm off to Vegas tomorrow! This last week I spent playing catch up for the weekend I spent with M here in B-town. Immediately when the week was over I began work on an outlining schedule for over break.
For those of you who don't know, a law student's life revolves around outlining - the process of whittling down all your notes into one well-organized document solidifies what you've learned (or not!) over the term. Once the outline is done, you can study off of it or take it with you to the final, whatever you prof allows. Our Fall and Spring Breaks are essential study times. Outlining for one week of one 2 credit class can take a couple hours, so imagine having 12 credits of outlining to do for a total of 14 weeks! Ugh is all I can say.
Anyhow, back to business... I am nearly caught up on my Gift & Estate Tax outline, which makes me so happy. I have a powerpoint to do tomorrow for a presentation I'm giving on Friday after Break. Then T-Th I'm going to outline for Corporate Finance. I was lucky enough to score a Legal Professions outline from a friend, so I'm just going to integrate my notes into that, if necessary. What else...? Oh, Estate Planning. That class will be hell since there is no text. I've got to figure that one out later since someone who already took the class says a friend and I can borrow the book (now out of print) our prof has published on the topic. Double ugh.
I recently realized that I have to find $500 to give to Kelley by May 1st. I'm thinking about asking them about that - I'm 100% on financial aid, and I'm already at the same school (same bursar's office and everything - my deposit credit has even shown up on my account already!), so I may see what they can do for me.
So enough about school. I leave Monday at about 6pm for Vegas. M is coming on Thursday, and we're both leaving Monday night. I'm super excited. The weather should be nice, and I think M enjoys Vegas and wants to make sure I have a good time.
My mom found a new dog, btw. A dobie in Philly (I think). My sister gave her the money to ship it out, but there have been some snafus with the shipping (which she blames on everyone else...). I told Alison and Mom to use Delta, but Alison thinks she knows everything there ever was to know about airlines, so she opted for NWA to save some money. Bad choice... Anyhow, the dog was supposed to ship last week. The dog won't ship until next week. Hopefully. *le sigh*
That's it for now. Later taters.