Minor revision of the old CD and DVD titles post. ^^
「鬼畜教師(32歳独身)の悩殺講座」 [Kichiku kyoushi (32sai dokushin) no nousatsu kouza]
"The fascinating lesson of a brute teacher (32 years old, single)"
「妖幻鏡moon」 [Yougenkyou moon]
妖 [YOU] "attractive, bewitching, calamity"
幻 [GEN, maboroshi] phantom, vision, illsuion, dream
鏡 [KYOU, kagami] mirror
I guess there's no actual translation for this word. Putting the meaning of the kanji together, it could be something like "Bewitching phantom mirror"? Haha, but since it was not actually a Gazette CD, it's not the most important title, I think ^^
「悪友會~あくゆうかい~」 [~Akuyuukai~]
"Bad Company"
"Super Margarita" "Spell Margarita"
Note the wordplay with "sperm" - it could also be sperm-argarita (look at the CD cover XD)
「犯行声明文」 [Hankou seimeibun]
"Letter of responsibility" (for a crime)
I took that translation 1:1 from my dictionary XD"
午前0時のとらうまラヂオ [Gozen 0ji no torauma RAJIO]
"A trauma radio at 0 a.m."
斑 alone can be read as "madara" and is translated as "spots, speckles, mottles", the second kanji is then probably read as "ra" (it's one of the possible readings) and means worm-eaten ... I haven't found any other meaning but I think it fits.
「蛾蟇(がま)」 [gama]
The first kanji means "moth" and the second "toad". It's not an actual word, I guess that's why they included the furigana (the reading of the two Kanji together).
Taken from the Japanese wikipedia site:
For the image of the whole production they said that they wanted it to be in "a filthy feeling", "drainage system"-like and so to say a dirty musical atmosphere. And so the title "Gama" suited that image, among a few matching words they came up with, but the word "Gama" Reita came up with was good and Ruki decided on that one.
"Verwelktes Gedicht"
This is German and it can be translated as "Withered poem". The image is that the poem is a flower that loses its life and fades away.
東京裁判 [Tokyo saiban] ~JUDGMENT DAY~
"saiban" means 'trial' or 'judgement'
平成挽歌 [Heisei banka]
With "heisei" they mean the Heisei period in Japan that started in 1989 and is still current. "banka" means 'elegy', 'funeral song'.
Just in case you're wondering: M.R.D stands for "Maximum Royal Disorder"
Anything else you want to know concerning the titles? Anything I forgot? Please let me know!! ^^