Name/Nicknames: My name is Lovejoy, and my nickname is Rin.
Age: 19.
Birthdate:7th of August.
Height: Shoot! I'm small.. 5'1
Likes/Hobbies/Talents:Books, History, Chemistry, Physics, Music, Gothic Subculture, Anatomy, Dance, Tambourine Dancing, Katana and swords, Cooking, Baking, Crocheting, Writing, Poetry, Teasing people around, Listening to people's experiences, Taunting (darn), Chocolates, Cakes
Dislikes: People who underestimates one's abilities, Calculus, People who gets annoy without any reason, pathetic whinning, nonsense violence.
Strong Points: I'm logical and clever. I tend to analyze things before I get into a situation. I don't dive in without knowing the potential consequences that might happen. I love teasing people around. I'm really not friendly, but I have a lot of friends. I have good communication skills that gets me some opportunity that rarely comes to my age. I'm also a sadist, which I think one factor that brings me to where I am know. I'm also perky and unpredictable.
Weak Points: Probably, my emotional suppression. I rarely speak anything about my emotions, and that makes me a neutralist. I also have a possibility to become ballistic and whinny when things are getting worst or I failed something I shouldnt.
Fears: Fear of being rejected and being alone, and eating marshmallows without chocolate syrup!
Favorite animal: Cats!
Your favorite book or movie, and why: The Alchemist - it's realistic.
A favorite quote or song lyric:"If you lose, don't lose the lesson."^_^
What you want to do for a living:Well, I just want to finish the course that I;m taking up right now, then study again to become a doctor. Probably, specializing in Neurology or Cardiopulmonary stuff.
You find the journal of one of your friends that was left at your house. What do you do?: Well, I'll be thinking twice to read it. Since, I'll be greatly curious what's in it. But, a little sneak would do melt my curiosity. ^_~
You find a wallet someone dropped on the ground. What do you do with it?: Well, pick it up. Finder, keepers! Kidding! I mean, I would look for anything inside that would take me to the owner. If there's none, then I'll keep it!
You get back from a tough job battered and bruised but successful, but the client refuses to cough up the dough! How do you react?: OMG! Don't you know that it is my blood that runs throught that job? Well, I'll try to convince him in a very nice way. Maybe, do some researching in order to add up something.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?: Maybe, being so invisible. So people won't see me when they needed me to do something they can do. Hehe. ^_^
Stupid section! Would you rather:
Live fast and die young, or die of old age in your sleep?:Die of old age in my sleep.
Have loved and lost or never loved at all?: Have loved and lost!
Lose all your money or lose the person you care about most?: Lose all my money..! *sniffs*
Have one really close friends or a lot of not quite so close friends?: Probably, have few close friends.
Be a computer or an old-fashioned notebook?: Both?!
Anything else?: Well.. thanks for the votes!
Because the mods are curious, where did you hear about us?: From a friend's profile, I just forgot where.
Pictures and/or Describe Yourself:
Picture here. Be awed! *kidding*