So, it's quarter to midnight, and a respectfully smart person would be sleeping, since I have class and an 8 hour shift tomorrow. But who ever said I'm respectful? I was thinking, as I do a lot and thought I'd write some of it down. A little rant if you will. or won't. I don't care
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Comments 8
~ Finding someone isn't the key... noticing is. When we're happy with who we are and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks, that's when good things happen. Your 'someone' will show his face when the time is right. I know that's what everyone says, and I know it can be frustrating but be patient. A quote from a book I read goes as follows:
Move away from hoping, wishing, praying, and begging for the right person or people to show up in your life! Banish all doubt… stay connected… and the right people will come to you.
What you look like after getting drunk ON Budweiser is.
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