Jul 03, 2005 14:14
I cant believe how fast aaron got better from getting shot, he isnt 100% yet, but he's getting there fast.
im excited for warped tour, i swear this yr went by soooo fast.
tonight the new club addiction is opening up, hopefully i dont regret not going to element.
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Comments 1
Wilhelm Tell:
"The Ruetli Oath"
No, there is a limit to the tyrant's power,
when the oppressed can find no justice,
when the burden grows unbearable-he reaches
with hopeful courage up unto the heavens
and seizes hither his eternal rights,
which hang above, inalienable
and indestructible as stars themselves.
The primal state of nature reappears,
where man stands opposite his fellow man.
As a last resort, when not another means
is of avail, the sword is given him,
The highest of all goods we may defend
from violence, Thus stand we before our country,
thus stand we before our wives, and before our children.
-We will become a single land of brothers,
nor shall we part in danger and distress.
-We shall be free, just as our fathers were,
and sooner die, than live in slavery.
-We shall rely upon the highest God
and we shall never fear the might of men.
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