Well, it looks like my darling Curtis, the mechanical companion, the wondercar, the white boxy wonder from downunder will be leaving us within the year. Mommy and Daddy are probably selling him when I goto London. In honor of the baby boy who got me through High School, post your best Curtis memory here. Also, any one want to buy a 1990 Chevy
I hate the people in my English 263 class with a fiery passion. We were discussing the ideal women, and I swear to go, one guys criteria was "Pretty, Christian and obediant." Please join me with the maiming. OBEDIANT, people. In other (better) news, my Cornel Box looks ungodly fancy and good. Woot.
Hiung out with the Loverly Leslie tonight for like.. a billion years. So much fresh prince. And I realized what my break-up with Adam must have been like from th outside. Sorry about that, guys.