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Jul 02, 2007 11:24

The Long Weekend continues

Just a rush entry since we're about to head out the door...

Up at 5:30, went to work and was there for two hours getting done what I could (everything I was able to do today is something less I have to do tomorrow, when I'll be swamped enough, thank you very much...).

Gdaygirl apparently had an excellent time at swimming lessons, which is great news - she's been very reluctant to put her head underwater - but Gdayboy's nap was interrupted by poop, so only time will tell how he'll fare...

But for now, we're off to Zooz! Animals! Picnic lunch! Splash pad! Much driving with a potentially miserable little boy! Wheeee!

Oddly enough, I'm really looking forward to seeing the Capybara again...
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