UPDATE! Finally!

Jan 09, 2006 10:40

It has been a long time since I’ve updated … so here we go!

My first semester at Seminary finished in December… it was great to be finished, but at the same time, it was weird, because I’m enjoying the studies so much that I hated to be away from it for a while. Oh well, it was great to have a break. Having heard back from all my profs, I have been Approved for all my courses.

The way my school works is that we are “Approved” or “Not Approved” and if Not Approved, we get to re-write after meeting with the prof. Often, it is the prof saying “I just want a page with THIS on it.”

I worked throughout the entire Christmas break - thankfully I had Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the 27th off - not to mention most of the 28th. It was great!

Christmas this year was really great! I worked Christmas Eve until 7:15 pm and hurried out to Langley to be picked up by my mom and sister-in-law Yvonne. The three of us went to church together - one of the first times ever that I’ve gone to church with my family - my mom did come and hear me preach once last year, but … Christmas Eve is pretty important to me. ALSO, we were at a small country church in Surrey; the minister of the church is my friend and mentor Kathleen. She has been my minister/mentor/friend since I was 10. There are MANY years that we have spent Christmas Eve together, so it was nice to bridge old traditions with new ones.

Spending Christmas with my entire family (dad, step-mom, 3 brothers, 2 partners-in-law, 1 nephew and 1 niece) for the first time in 8 years was amazing. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I think I was expecting a lot of drinking, fighting and annoyingness. There wasn’t any. There were a few ‘tense moments’ that I handled well (so say both of my sisters-in-law), but all in all it was very good! I love my family again. It’s been a while since I thought perhaps I would feel the same way for them.

After 3 days though, it was time to go home. I worked the rest of the week and opened on New Years Eve Day and then went to hang out with some of my school friends that night. We ordered in some food and watched a movie. I left at 11:30 or so and was looking for my friends to go and join. I got a phone call from M. and he told me that he was at the Dufferin, so I went to meet him. I got there a bit late and missed New Year, but got to hang out with him for a bit. At least, I was with someone near Midnight … it was good!

I had to open that day. It was my last day of work before going back to school and I am off from the 2-19. I started my ethics course and it’s fun to hang out with people again - to be back in the Castle - to be back in class. And then, I got offered a job at the school. Working with operations I will learn the Hotel (yes, we have a hotel here at the school) and the Front Desk, setup of rooms and stuff. It’s going to be great!

So that means, that Thursday night, I took in my letter of resignation to Starbucks. I left it so that the manager, opening on Friday, would get it. It’s now Monday and I still have not heard from him - so am trying to figure out whether or not I should call him to be like “did you get my letter?”

I feel excited - I am happy to be finished … I will work the 20/21 and that’s my last day.

I finally saw “Brokeback Mountain” and I liked it. I cried, I was sad, I was touched, it made me lustful *wink* … oh well, it was good - I can’t wait to see it again!

I don’t know if there is anything else going on … I’m happy, I’m feeling well, I’m enjoying life! It’s awesome! Love all!
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