I haven't posted in something like two months. What's new with me?
Jeff finally moved out, and took his herpes with him. Mark moved in a few weeks later, and instantly began trying to assassinate me by attempting to set the bathroom on fire while I was inside it. I now spend most of my time trying to convince him to NOT eat things he found on the floor/sidewalk. When his girlfriend comes over they just go wildly out of control and spend hours either eating things that aren't supposed to be eaten, or making racial jokes specifically about asians. I guess it's like racial inequality affirmative action.
I went to a wedding with my family this weekend. Most of my family got drrrrrunk and we apparently had to have a dance off. I didn't want to, but my mother started dragging me to the dance floor; I didn't give in 'til my creepy old gay landlord came over. My mother later said "[Landlord] even said you were cute and I said 'easy bub, he's nineteen." My mother kept talking about how people were coming up to her and telling her what a beautiful family she had and how she hated having to agree with them and lie like that. She's a flatterer.
My father and I were talking to some stranger at the wedding, and the stranger turns to me and asks, "So how are the women at northeastern?" and I blanked out for about five seconds.
The wedding was good, as far as weddings go; instead of having a best man, the groom made his best friend get ordained so that he could conduct the wedding. "By the power invested in me by the state of New York and the internet, I now declare you man and wife." It was cute at the time. Still, I don't think I'm ever going to have a wedding, not that I need to worry about it with the way things are going. Marriage is cool, but wedding receptions are not my bag.
Middle sis is taking the LSATs becuase a fortune teller eating at her restaruant randomly spoke up and told her that she would get a scholarship to law school. True story!
Being co-chair of NUBiLAGA is alright. I spend a lot of time going to random meetings and planning shit with other people. I still don't feel like I do enough; essentially because I don't spend half my time filling out forms. God bless Kyle & Steph for that.
I went to the Spiritual life office the other day to try to get someone to come to a NUBiLAGA meeting. Or at least I tried; you see, instead, I blundered into the Sacred Space. I was like WHERE AM I?! WHY ARE THERE DRAPES EVERYWHERE?! WHY IS THAT MAN WASHING HIMSELF IN A BASIN?! and then I left before my skin started bubbling away. If you've never been to the sacred space, go there sometime. You'll see what I'm talking about.
Ryan left for Missouri in the second week of august; However, our relationship only went from "Oh yeah, he moved to Missouri so we couldn't stay together... yeah" to cold and dead a week or so ago. I take specific offense to him not wanting to talk to me because I guess no matter the stupid shit he did I thought there was something there worth it. But not long after he moved talking to him turned into a genuine challenge to overcome responses of "fine", "nothing" and "oh". Eventually he just told me that he was "really busy", too much so to talk to me. My emotional response was an instant knee-jerk "fuuuuuuuck you!". If I can't talk to him and maintain even a "check in sometimes" friendship with him, then I don't think that's a relationship I want to return to. Quoth Andy Richter Controls the Universe, "No, it is not coming back around again! It came back around again and I killed it and I buried it in a cornfield in Northern Indiana."
I'm freaking out about this Embassy thing on thursday; mostly on getting other people to come. Aagh. Check my facebook for panicky info (but if you're at livejournal, you've probably already seen it).
My new computer science textbook has dinosaurs on it; fucking dinosaurs. What the hell?
I think that's pretty much it. Tune in next time when I choke a bitch.
Riot: C'mooooooooooon
Riot: Fascinate and thrill the entire internet!
Riot: Draw us in with your tightly-constructed and brilliant prose!
Riot: Illuminate our lives!
Riot: Give us meaning and purpose where we lack!
John: why are you so insistant that i write in live journal
Riot: I'm bored and need something to read
John: read the bible, figure out how to throw it back at the christian right
Riot: but john
Riot: I'd rather read your livejournal than the bible
John: no robert, and that's final
Riot: : (
John: dont make me turnthis car around