Dec 17, 2003 10:54
Well I thought I'd write about a trip I had to the dentist about almost a year ago now. A poster on fark asked people to share their trips to the dentist and my memories came rushing back and thus the reason for this post...
My mouth was hurting for about a month when I went to the dentist and he prescribed me some antibiotics so as to clear it up before he did any surgery. After two or so weeks, I went back and they did an X-ray of my mouth. I was already nervous even before I went in but I kept it together, as I am a man. A strong man I consider myself. Strong enough to endure a little pain a tooth would cause when pulled out. Well this was the first and hopefully the last time I will ever need to get a tooth pulled out.
I was really starting to wonder if I should leave when I heard the dentist in the other room call some guy on the phone and started to talk about this abnormal case he has here. My lower right second bicuspid had three or even possibly four roots. He even flat out told me that perhaps I should go to someone who could put me under. But I didn't have any money at the time and barely could afford him, so I hesitantly denied. He looked really worried, and didn't want to take it out. As he has not in his entire time working as a dentist came across something like this and again asked if I could go somewhere else. If he had asked once more I would have left, but I really had no money. I wish I had now. As he told the assistant to cancel his later appointment. Told me that I might experience some severe discomfort and that I can handle it, if not just tell him and he'll stop for a minute. But once he beings he must finish. So it began...
I was sitting there and he put in a needle and I thought I was going to gag from the taste of that nasty stuff. Damn that stuff tasted bad, but he stuck me like eight times. Perhaps to make sure he got the extra roots. But guess what , no he didn't! He wrenched my mouth open, and the assistant was there with a tube. Sucking out the pain injections that were overflowing into my mouth. He had a pair of pliers there trying to get it loose, or something. He pulled my gums down and got a good grip on it but couldn't get it out after several repeated attempts to get it loose. I soon forgot about the taste of the injections when I was overcome with the smell I shall never forget. And a taste just as equally horrible. He had to drill holes in my tooth to break it in half. But this wasn't the worst part of all, as that came next. When he had to keep injecting my gums with that crap because he couldn't hit the root/roots. He had a grip on one half and was twisting and turning it and I could barely handle it, as my legs and body started shaking. It was as if I were freezing, but I had no control. I couldn't as well breath. So he stopped for a few minutes for me to "calm down". Well after a little while longer and two or three waiting periods, he had one half out. But there was still the other half and if that had taken longer I wouldn't have been able to stand it much longer. The pain was so great I was about to pass out, but luckily right before the last pull, he finally hit the freaking root that was still active and all the pain went away. The last pull was merely pressure and no pain.
But I admit I cried a few times, but I couldn't control myself. My body was betraying me, even though I could take quite a bit of pain, this was nothing I had ever experienced. It turns out there were three roots. One was twisted around my jaw bone so he couldn't get it. Thus all the pain. I went in at 4:30 and didn't come out until around 7. Even after it had happened, when I was all alone I cried. It was like a torture I would never again feel, nor want to. That's why I wish no one be tortured, for that pain alone made me feel sorry for those who have to endure such pain. A memory that shall always remind me of what true pain is. It's not my intent to scare anyone, as my case was special, I hope... As I've heard it's normally very quick and easy, with one merely feeling the pressure. No pain whatsoever. But I rather not ever have to find out if this is true.