50 First Dates - Date 41

Apr 11, 2011 16:48

Title:  Date 41

Author: Gedry
Pairings: Dean/Cas

Rating: PG - 13
Word Count: 532

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. I am making no profit from this fanfiction.
Beta: none

Spoilers:  none
Warnings: None.

Summary: Written for 50 first dates - amusement park.

Date 41

“Dean…” Cas begins warningly as the rollercoaster they stood in line for an hour to ride is finally creeping it’s way to the first drop.  “I want to get off now.”

Dean can’t stop the bubble of nervous laughter from bursting out of his mouth.  God knows, he’s been having the same thought himself as he sits here, pressed against the back of the seat, afraid to move or open his eyes because he hates heights so much.  “I don’t think that’s an option, Cas.”

“Please..” Cas whispers and it’s the edge of panic in his voice that makes Dean pry his locked hand off his handle bar to reach over and press it against Cas’ shaking hand.

“I’m right here,” Dean assures him.  “It will be fine.”

Except they must be at the top now because Cas makes this noise like a goat being strangled and then for one blissful moment the clinking noise the cars have been making stops before the people in the row in front of them start to scream.  This is it, they’re going over.

Dean’s going to die.  See, it’s not really flying he hates.  It’s falling that bothers him.

He screams like the great big sissy girl he will never admit to being.  His head thrown back and tears leaking involuntarily from his eyes.  Cas is screaming right along with him so Dean’s pretty certain that at least he won’t have to worry about his date making fun of him for shrieking when this is all over.

Oh God!  They’re never going to hit the bottom.  How long is this drop?  Dean’s stomach hits the back of his throat and he just prays he doesn’t puke.

How bad would that be on the first date?

They finally shift into the next drop but it’s smaller, more manageable.  The loop-to-loop next and on the way down the far side of that part of the coaster he hears this really odd sound from the other person in the seat with him.

Cas is laughing.

Cas, reserved, focused, serious, doesn’t understand humor at all and hates when people tell jokes, Cas is laughing his ass off.

Dean’s mouth drops open in shock before they swerve around the next curve and he snaps back into himself but there’s a smile curving around his mouth.  Maybe this rollercoaster isn’t so bad.

When they pull into the station he turns to look at his date.  Usually tense Cas is sprawled, weak and smiling in the seat next to him.  He looks at Dean with so much joy in his eyes that Dean’s a little dazed by it and Cas has to tug on his hand to get him down the ramp.

“That was fun,” Dean announces as they stop to decide where to go next.

Then he has an armful of Castiel and he’s being kissed and kissed and kissed.

They should probably ride it again.

50 first dates

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