I can't resist typing at you all a bit more! 17,000+ words clearly was not enough ;)
First I have to give the biggest thank you of all to Joe Hill for writing the story that put an idea into my head! I really can't recommend the book 20th Century Ghosts enough, it is full of fantastic short stories. If you've got the time pick it up and give it a read.
This story was definitely a labor of love. And frustration. It took months of working on this off and on to get it done. Sad right? Haha. I have never written something this long, and it's also the first multi-part story I have ever finished! I am what you could politely call a serial quitter. I often give up on stories and let them linger forever unfinished. But thanks to the encouragement of some awesome people I was able to see this story through, and I was happy enough with the results to share it publicly :) I really can't thank you guys who cheered me on enough, you know who you are ♥
And a thanks to @papicita too, because without her ridiculous suggestions I never would have been able to come up with a damn title for this thing.
A few details to explain, should anyone be interested. Originally Counter Boy was going to be another 2pm member. However I could really never decide which one I wanted him to be, and found I liked having him be a rather ambiguous character instead. He isn't modeled after anyone in particular so feel free to imagine him as whoever you like! I also did a bit of fudging with the use of sign language in the story. Typically (as I understand it) finger spelling is not used to create full sentences, rather only words here and there when necessary. But I figured circumstances being what they were it was better to ignore that detail than have Taecyeon magically learn to sign perfectly in only a few paragraphs. I suppose since the plot revolves around a character who is magically alive despite being a doll this fudging is rather easy to ignore LOL.
In the end this story isn't perfect, and there are things I feel it lacks. But as I wrote I came to love my characters and love the story despite that which is a very satisfying feeling. It was originally going to end far differently but as it is now, who knows. If enough people love the two boys like I love them there could be more in the future about Taecyeon, Junsu, and their strange new relationship! And maybe I'll be a bit quicker about finishing it up the 2nd time round :P