Title: Undecided Part 3
Author: gee4president
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG for this part
Summary: Pssh, just a bit of halloween fluff...coz i feel like it. Gerard takes Mikey trick or treating and guess who he meets?
Disclaimer: *rolls eyes*
Warnings: Total shite....but hey...read it anyway! Un-beta-ed....couldn't be assed to check for mistakes
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Comments 23
Damn it's over, awesome, awesome work.
i'm glad you found it funny....its the first semi-funny fic i've ever written so i was slightly nervous about posting it just in case it was one of those embarrassingly un-funny fics that always turn out real awkward.....
thanx for reading and commenting and all that jazz
This fic was FANTASTIC! Sweet, touching, HOT and abso-frickin-hilarious! The ending is pure gold, and I loved little Mikey and Ray! ^_^
the ideas for it kind of came to me randomly while i was writing it...i was gonna use the whole fake tan as lube thing in another fic, and the whole running naked to the bathroom thing for ANOTHER fic...but then i thort 'screw it' and combined everything into this one fic...hence the reason why part 2 evloved into part 2 and 3!
anyway, i'm being stupid and rambling so i'm gonna shut up and say thanx so much for reading and commenting!
you did the tanning thing! YESSSSSSS! twas hilarious babe, and i had to laugh at this:
'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' meets 'Click' meets 'Hotel Erotica'?’
...blasted Showtime. I only wish they'd play T.C.M, but nooooo...!
btw, am seriously loving ur idea of getting Muffin inked, can't stop thinking about it =)
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