2 days have passed. 8 days to go before my long hols would end.
3 things I've been doing redundantly for the past 2 days. sleeping late, watching vids and surfing the net.
3 things I want to get done before my vacation would end. make a dvd, download all the lost albums and finish Dr. Who series Season 2.
Since Muse went on a break I went into a withdrawal phase, until now. It annoys me to hear Matt's voice. I don't watch any of their videos on the net or with my dvds. I haven't seen the xmas pwessie they gave us yet but listened to it as I converted the video into a mp3 (someone from the main board requested a mp3)..apart from listening to check if something was wrong with the conversion I haven't listened to it again. Something's wrong with me! I want to feel that excitement again whenever I listen to their songs but it annoys me to death lately. I hope it's just a phase. I know it's just a phase. *sigh*
Because I'm on a Muse withdrawal, I'm listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys, The Last Shadow Puppets and Radiohead. These are the bands that gets me going everyday, especially Radiohead's There There. it's still not getting old on me, that song. Fucking amazing! I asked a friend to send me an album of Kasabian, gonna have to give it a listen, if I like it I'll defo ask for the other album.
I found a video of LSP on youtube, they performed at the Electric Proms (Liverpool). They covered a Beatles song, quite fitting if you ask me as their songs have a touch of 60s to it. Miles gave justice to the song, they stayed to the original tune which was amazing. It's my second LSS for the week. Gotta love this boys. :) Bloddy talented young lads.
Here's the vid, if anyone bothers to read my post.
Click to view
Such a long entry, don't know if anyone reads my post but meh. Needs to get it off my chest.