TV commentary:
Supernatural- Ah, its exactly as people guessed.
That scene with Dean and Benny and some others storming the Bunker to try and take out evil Sam was not a premonition of the future but images of alternate timelines. As people theorized, the matching bullet wounds made a connection between Sam and Chuck, and that's why he can see them.
And its not all Sam turning evil, and Dean trying to kill him and failing. There are also scenarios where Cain's mark-corrupted Dean kills Sam. So its more about one brother killing the other. Sam thought the dreams were PTSD, but after the Lilith reveal, the boys figure out all the aforementioned info.
Heh, is the actress playing Lilith's new vessel really short? I mean, the brothers are tall, but the girl still looked especially small next to them. Or maybe its her skirt made her seem short?
Legacies- Great ep!
So Lizzie finds Hope to tell her she remembers her and also they have to stop Jandon from fucking. But they soon get trapped by the MotW, a Minotaur. Well, and its keeper. The Keeper tells them the only escape is for one of them to take her place.
Hope is all ready to martyr herself, so Lizzie knocks her out because she's also been bitten with the martyr bug given recent events. Like she thinks she's slowly going mad, and at least this way the merge might not have to happen. Anyways, once she hears the Keeper's story, she changes her mind. Turns out the Labyrinth was created by some butthurt sorcerer to trap some girl who rejected him. And so girls have been getting trapped and pitted against each other for freedom.
So Lizzie says fuck that, breaks the Keeper's bracelet, and kills the minotaur, freeing them all.
Which, that's one thing I didn't like about the ending. The Keeper is celebrating her newfound freedom, and freaking Clark (who turns out to have been disguising himself as Vardemus this whole time!) ends up eating her. That seems kinda unfair. Yes, she trapped and prolly caused other people to die, but she was as much a victim in all of this. That sucks the girls rescued her only for her to die at the hands of some other dude.
We finally find out what Sebastian's deal is. Apparently he's a dessicated vampire trapped in a coffin on the Salvatore estate this whole time. Who the hell is he? How long has he been trapped there? Like the MF gang never knew about him this whole time?! Anyways, MG goes to Kaleb for help about Sebastian, and they learn all this.
Sebastian tries to get MG to find his body and feed him real blood so he can rise again. He promises to leave town, thus no competition for Lizzie. Which, gross that his deal is to let MG "have" Lizzie. They don't own her! I kinda hate that the make MG consider it. Like the guy could be an awful mass murderer, and MG has to think of letting him go?
Luckily, Kaleb is around. He ends up tricking Sebastian into revealing that he is a killer and vows to immolate him after the dance. Prolly shouldn't have waited as Sebastian gets in Wade's head and possibly draws him in and drains him.
Oh, we find out about the Alaric voting. Turn out Kaleb was the one who voted to keep Alaric. But it was pretty obvious it wasn't actually Josie. But as it turns out, she didn't vote him out because she was mad at him. She voted him out to free him to have a more normal life, to tell him he did a good job preparing the kids. She wanted him to move on.
And she finds out about Hope! Sort of. WTF, did the memory spell make her forget about Penelope's magic notebook? Like she seriously though the scatching sound of people writing was rats? In any case, she seems some of Landon's old journal entries about Hope. i don't think she knows the whole truth since she still doesn't have her memories, but she was able to figure out Landon and Hope used to be a thing.