Im so fucking bored

Nov 09, 2003 05:27

*Name: Crystal
*Age: 22
*Where are you from: CA
*Favourite type of clothing: comfortable but not frumpy
*Favourite type of clothing on the opposite sex: uhm, I like everyone to look comfortable
*Favourite brand name: well, I do have alot of adidas, but no jumpsuits I swear
*Where do you normally shop: Borders

*Favourite film: I have alot. Edward Scissorhands is one.
*Last film you saw at the theater: Kill Bill
*Last film you saw at home: the Safety of Objects, which made me teary, but I think that was more of an environmental relevancy thing

*Favourite type of music: Im intensely into music, I cant claim fidelity to any given type
*Favourite singer: I may be able to narrow this down slightly, I love Rufus Wainwright and Ricki Lee Jones' voices.
*One song that is too embarrassing to tell anyone that you like it: well, oxymoron of the question aside, I like some Tupac songs, which doesnt embarass me.

*Grossest thing you have eaten: blue fish, or fried calamari, which Im aware of the fact that its gross, yet I still like it. Its the only seafood I like.
*Favourite food: Mexican as a genre, steak all around
*Favourite place to eat at: Outback Steakhouse.

*What is the point of having diet caffeine free coke: its all placebo
*Do you remember when there was clear coke: i thought that was pepsi? and yes.
*Favourite drink: Adirondack Tropical Punch or Snapple Peach, though Ive been drinking obscene amounts of Mt.Dew lately
*Best drink you have made doesn't have to be alcoholic: I made myself a midori sour the other day, and it was good, and so it was.

*What makes you special: Ask Dawn Weiner, special=retarded
*What is aesthetically pleasing to you: thats broad.
*Favourite type of smell: i like the smell of grass, of barbecues, generally summer-related things
*Do you have any special hand shake: no
*How do you shake someone’s hand: warily
*Surgery?: No, just alot of stitches. 3 times on my chin, once next to my left eye which was a bad one and left a subtlely visible scar, one on my knee, and one on/near both elbows. Oh yeah, and the left side of my bottom lip.

*If I gave you $20 what would you do with it: give it back to you and ask you what the hell you want from me. But in a nice way.
*Why won't they put Dawson’s Creek back on: because the producers were so annoyed with my amusement at pronouncing it Darson's Crick
*Person you are captivated with, famous: Eliza Dushku causes me to make involuntary guttural utterances; nonfamous: the girl from the Halloween party who dressed as Zoe from SSX

*If you got your mouth stuck in a tomato sauce bottle what would you do: Chase strangers.
*Have you ever laughed at someone falling over and if so was it your friend or a stranger: both probably.
*What do you think lemonade and milk taste like: ass- or if i was an optimist, lemon-creme pie

*If you got handcuffed to a total stranger what would you do: depends on the stranger
*What would you do if you saw a monkey in your backyard: EBOLA!!! EBOLA!! WANTS ME BRAINS!!!
*If you had to hit someone and only could choose from one of these weapons which weapon would you
choose and why - shopping trolley, tree branch or a banking tray: the shopping cart I guess, so Id have a means to escape after the crime.

*If you could have any job you wanted what would it be: music producer
*If someone offered you a job cleaning some toilets and you got $1000 per toilet would you take
the offer: ohyoubetchayeah

*Next year what do you want to achieve: sanity
*Are you looking forward to next year and why so: well yeah, in the same manner you look ahead while driving
*What is three things you want to do before this year is over: get another job, correct the grammar of that question, move.

*If I gave you a camera with 24roll of film what would you take photos of: there are some old parts of this town Ive long wanted to photograph
*What was the last photo you took: of erinn, in the supermarket, making nice with the rice krispies
*Best photo you have seen: thats also too broad.
*Have you ever ripped up a photo and what was it a picture of: not on purpose. In college alot of my photos were ruined on account of spilled beer and general party-accidents, and my lack of neatness

*Do you prefer hot/cold weather: hot, i prefer incredibly sweat dripping stifling hot over 50 degrees
*Are you an indoor or outdoor person: both
*Favourite sport: I love all sports, I'll watch anything but golf and racing. I was good at softball and basketball in high school. I still play softball and ultimate frisbee in the summer.
*If you saw someone famous but you were wearing crappy clothes would you still go up to them and
say hi: I wouldnt no matter what i was wearing. Not because Id be nervous, I wouldnt just go up to anyone. I did walk by Bjork and her boyfriend on a street in Tribeca once. I elbowed Erinn furiously just as we got passed her and then i tripped over a curb.

*Do you think you could ever star in a film: probably, but not like Charlie's Angels 12
*How do you make your coffee: I dont drink coffee, but I like mocha Frappucinos
*Favourite sweet: I dont really like sweet stuff
*Last thing you made: I make books alot. Out of cardboard, cloth, and string, of course paper

*Favourite smell: lavender reminds me of good things
*Best present you have received: My mother gave me a wolf necklace that I always wear. She believes that is my "power animal". I dont know how much I believe that, despite a few weird occurences, but the necklace means alot to me.
*Best thing you have bought: uhm, well for lack of anything really stark, I have this elastic belt that's dark blue and says "jeans" all around it in rainbow letters, Ive had it for about 7 years.
*Favourite thing in your bedroom: the poster I just got from, its a shot of Lisa from Girl. interrupted smoking a cigarette and sitting on Daisy's counter.

*If you could learn something what would you learn: every language
*How many questions do you think this survey is: 55

*If you could see out of someone’s eyes for a day who’s eyes would it be and why: my best friend's, I dont think you can ever really understand someone enough
*What do you think people are really thinking about: themselves and everyone else as an equation that equals life in general, we are like any animal i think
*Best thing that happened this year: surprising my mother at the phish show, just to see her so happy
*Favorite memory: Ugh. Well I have this certain memory of a certain girl on a certain trip to Florida, the most happy and honest smile Ive ever seen directed right at me, and then her jumping into my arms to hug me, all giddy and such, just for no reason.
Drugs?: not for a couple years
Drink?: some
Single?: perpetually
Sexy?: Sometimes i fancy myself so.
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