Just so we all get our outlandish hyperbole smoke-screens straight when trying to spread fear and hysteria at the bidding of our Corporate overlords, FiveThirtyEight explains the difference between the
Canadian and United Kingdom health care systems.
Comments 10
One day ONE DAY someone in the US will get Canadian healthcare explained right.
Also: poutine! I miss it so (can't eat it anymore-- THANKS ALLERGIES)
Now if you excuse me, I have some co-paying to do and drugs to pay for-- IN CANADA.
Sure, nearly every measure and statistic discounts this claim whether we address cost, standard of living, or life-expectancy, but damnit nobody replaces hips like we do! So, forget all those metrics, statistics, and so called facts and search your feelings. Then your love of America will tell you that our health care is better than anyone else's, and if you weren't laid off just now, you too could have some!
Did I mention that commies are going to kill granny?
They keep denying that they want to murder you in your sleep and sell your children to gay indoctrination FEMA camps, what are they hiding?
A politician said that if Stephen Hawking lived in England they would not treat him because he was medically too needy. (Lou Gerhig's disease). He, the most intelligent being ever.
Well, Stephen Hawking is indeed English. He issued a statement that if it wasn't for the United Kingdom health care he would have died.
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