Title: Doctor Who - The Doctor and Rose Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rose/Doctor Song: "Nara" by E.S. Posthumous Summary: Rose tells the story of her time with the Doctor. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: My first time doing an entire vid using a song without lyrics.
Title: Heroes - Crashed Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Elle/Sylar Song: "Crashed" by Daughtry Summary: The rather dark romance of Elle & Sylar. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: I was mildly obsessed with this pairing for the three episodes it lasted. I used this song again because it was too perfect not to.
Title: Doctor Who - Dare You to Move Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rose/Doctor Song: "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot Summary: The Doctor came into Rose's life and woke her up. Turns out she woke him up too. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: Glorious, shiny new source videos! Much higher quality than what I'd been working with before
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Title: Doctor Who - There You'll Be Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rose/Doctor Song: "There You'll Be" by Faith Hill Summary: Another gloriously sappy song for another gloriously happy vid. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: More experimenting with color, which just made me even more desperate for better-quality source material.
Title: Doctor Who - Series Four Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen Song: "Feels Like Tonight" by Daughtry Summary: A compilation of Series Four. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: Part of a series of vids set to faster-paced music, one for each of the first four series of Doctor Who starting in 2005.
Title: Doctor Who - Series Three Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen Song: "Time After Time" by Quietdrive Summary: A compilation of Series Three. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: Part of a series of vids set to faster-paced music, one for each of the first four series of Doctor Who starting in 2005.
Title: Doctor Who - Series Two Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen Song: "Savior" by 30 Seconds to Mars Summary: A compilation of Series Two. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: Part of a series of vids set to faster-paced music, one for each of the first four series of Doctor Who starting in 2005.
Title: Doctor Who - Series One Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Gen Song: "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward Summary: A compilation of Series One. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: Part of a series of vids set to faster-paced music, one for each of the first four series of Doctor Who starting in 2005.
Title: Torchwood - Broken Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto Song: "Broken" by Lifehouse Summary: More Jack & Ianto. Warnings: Boys kissing. \o/ Vidder's Notes: More experimenting with color and zooms.
Title: Doctor Who - Fields of Gold Vidder: geekchick1013 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rose/Doctor Song: "Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy Summary: Another song that caught my attention and wouldn't let go. Warnings: None. Vidder's Notes: This was originally just me mucking around in Vegas, trying to figure out different effects and such. But it actually became rather
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