The Sewing Panic has me in its scratchy horsehair grip, and I'm having difficulty seeing the sewing events of last weekend as anything less than a disaster. I think I'm just being paranoid though.
Good Stuff I Did:
- Got the Punk Rock Kimono to a fitting place. It doesn't fit the way I'd hoped and I am really, really disappointed.
- Got a pattern drafted and supplies for a friend's costume and had a good time doing it.
- Cleaned up my new work area and assembled all existing pieces
- Went to the best fabric store this side of NYC, according to Yelpers, and got a few items (stretchy black knit, velvety patterned knit, and black Russian millinery veiling.)
Bad Stuff I Did:
- Dicked around on the internet, looking for more ideas
- Slept
- Added more projects to my list
- Didn't take any pictures
The current list is:
- Punk Rock Kimono (which I may break up with for a few weeks while I figure out how to save it)
- Punk Steampunk (whose elements change weekly)
- Steampunk Bellydance (probably the closest to finished, mostly need to adorn the coin bra and make the brass dangle chains, and get the scrappy skirt going.)
- Daytime psychobilly comfortable ensemble (hence the knits and veiling purchases)
I may strike Punk Steampunk and reprise last year's Polonaise ensemble. I really like the idea of exploring the punker side of steampunk, but I'm just not finding the fabric I want for the pants, and I think boldly patterned pants need time and consideration to do well.
I'm hoping I can find the joy in this again soon. I think I'm just stuck in the midpart between the fun planning and supply buying stage, and the point-of-no-return you-just-cut-your-fabric-to-pieces stage.