A little late but my thoughts on last week's episode-
I liked the episode for the most part. It was mostly filler, but I didn't mind getting some backstory on Derek, Decaulion, and the Hale's.
I didn't think I'd really be interested in young!Derek's romance with Paige, but the actors had good chemistry. I hope there's more to the story because Derek's actions to turn Page are massively fucked up.
I liked the unreliable narrator aspect of the two tales especially at the end when we got to see that Scott and Stiles weren't snowed by Peter and Gerard's lies, not completely. I really hope Stiles does ask Derek about things.
Scott was so hot in that final scene. He can be a badass when he wants to be.
I'd rather Gerard die, but if he's got to be cured for them to stop them having him spew that black gunk, then so be it. It's getting a little much.
I wish I could care about Cora, but I still am annoyed at the lack of questions and answers concerning her and I need her to be more than female!Derek.
Really liked them expanding on Decaulion's backstory and showing that he wasn't always so evil. Felt bad for him after Gerard betrayed him. Glad he has more layers than just a mustache twirling villain. I don't think it excuses anything he's done and I'm not that interested in seeing him redeemed but I liked the story for him.
I don't know how I didn't notice it before, maybe it was because of the glasses, or how they decided to dress past Decaulion, but I really noticed in this episode how much Gideon Emery looks like Hugh Jackman. I kept thinking "What's Wolverine doing in Beacon Hills?"
Loved the editing in the episode, especially the cut from Peter claiming he was Derek's confidante to seeing that he was really just a peeping perv.
It was nice to see that Derek did have a loving mother. It made the comparisons to Scott hold a little more weight.