I bought a bouquet of roses last week, and I have no idea what kind they are. I've never seen roses like this before. They're green with pink edges. No, seriously.
Oooh. When I was young(er), around 8 or 9, I'd sit with my grandma ALL the time and look through every single product in the gardening magazine she'd get every month. I remember wanting golden rasberries so badly, and there were so many roses - I could never pick my favourite. There were black roses (they were a really dark red, but looked black even in daylight), these icey blue roses, and those ones you have there! (Or very similar anyway; light green with a rosier colour at the edges.) The names for all these roses were fantastic. I wish I could remember the name for those.
Comments 5
Thank you so much for those pictures!
2. MMM I want blueberry muffins now!
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