I'm still fairly sure that, at the very least, Sarah was tugging on said branch, if not hacking at it with a blunt object or going at it with a chain saw.
Also. Now I have this horrible desire ot make a horrible, cheap robe out of something like cheap Wal-Mart t-shirt material for the specific purpose of tearing it. Which is horrible because sewing aggravates me. And because that'd cost money!
Hey, it's what I do, eh? I usually wander wandomly helping with this or that... there was just a lot more to help with this time. At least, for people I actually know. That was sort of how Owl's MR went, except instead of Kelly and you, it was Grummish going "....Huh. Dang. I need this now, too." XD
..I also got my evently run-off-and0find-this-person from him.
....Hey... I never got to go chase off across the event site looking for somebody this time.
Especially not in the dark.
I TOLD you I should have went to find Sarah and Kelly!
*pretends this comes after the end of his last comment*
Also, you know I like sittin and talkin about random things! Especialy in the dark, and rain is a nice setting!
...Wait.. I like to talk.
...And this was supposed to link back into knights and talking and sleeping with you, but I can't quite do it, as I've reduced my caffeine doseage, and my brain hates me for it.
Comments 8
I'm happy for you both. I think it's a wonderful pairing.
one branch fell off of our family tumbleweed only to be caught and grown back on another!
BTW, I'm still laughing on the inside.
"Uncircumsized Philistine!"
I had renewed tears of laughter telling Matt about it.
Also. Now I have this horrible desire ot make a horrible, cheap robe out of something like cheap Wal-Mart t-shirt material for the specific purpose of tearing it. Which is horrible because sewing aggravates me. And because that'd cost money!
..I also got my evently run-off-and0find-this-person from him.
....Hey... I never got to go chase off across the event site looking for somebody this time.
Especially not in the dark.
I TOLD you I should have went to find Sarah and Kelly!
*pretends this comes after the end of his last comment*
Also, you know I like sittin and talkin about random things! Especialy in the dark, and rain is a nice setting!
...Wait.. I like to talk.
...And this was supposed to link back into knights and talking and sleeping with you, but I can't quite do it, as I've reduced my caffeine doseage, and my brain hates me for it.
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