Title: The Fictions You Make Rating: G Pairing: junmyeon being asleep [...]implied krisho hehhe Genre: oneshot, drama, maybe angst Wordcount: ~1200 Summary: Junmyeon's having freaky ass dreams. This fic is not as silly as the description[...] Inspired by Childish Gambino's 3005 MV which I watched like 8 times today
Title: With dead eyes and Butterflies Rating: R Pairings: slight/implied: xiuhan, kaisoo, baekyeol, taohun, rabin, suchen, neo,[.]krisho[.] yixing is alone im so sorry yixing
Genre: au, drama, action, Warnings:[are you ready for this]violence, lots of violence, blood, gore, mental illness/self harm mention, torture, character death, background character death, guns, chemicals
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Title: You made me sleep all uneven Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Xiuhan Genre: drama, fluff, oneshot, Warning: blood, mild violence, Summary: Luhan never wonders if he's wasted all his weeks by Minseok's hospital bed.