I could call you...shoes. Yes because they are, so very shiny!

Apr 08, 2010 02:29

I feel extremely exhausted because I worked from 1 pm to 11 pm and came rushing back home to d/l the episode (and I have to thank my mom because she followed my instructions via phone to start the download). And now it's 2:03 am.

You guys, really, I'm gonna die. If it weren't for the excitement I also feel, and the adrenaline. Seriously since when an episode can make me feel so weird? I couldn't stop squeeing through the WHOLE FREAKING THING!! That past!kiss makes my stomach flip-flop every single time I re-watch it. This is so unfair. There was tongue contact? Seriously Brennan? I mean... COME ON!!

I'm so happy with this episode you have no idea. It's incredible! And at first I was like 'yeah sure, they are going to suck big time with trying to put Caroline in it and Cam, CAM?!?!!' But man, they shut me up. For realz. They fitted every thing so well! These people are genius. God, I'm so glad I'm a fan of this show. I should totally see the pilot now.

And the ending...my God...we are so going to suffer from now on. We deserve it. And they were right, this episode IS going to change their relationship and take it to a whole new level. I was skeptical at first because it was not the first time they said that (ie. The End in the Beginning), but this time it was true. This is EPIC. You hear me? read me? EPIC!! E-P-I-C!!!!!1!1!!

Booth has to move on...Brennan is afraid...I just don't know what to say. And I mean, really, I don't know what to say. I'm astonished. I can't think straight right now. They love each other and they didn't denied it. Brennan, why won't you trust Booth a little bit more it's out of my comprehension. He's the gambler, god please just listen to him!! It broke my heart. That scene, is history guys!

Angela, Hodgins (and his 'fro), Zack!, Sweets, Cam, Caroline...they were all great, amazing, incredible. It's just that I don't have any more battery to comment on them. I think I'm going to go and sleep. If I can, because with all this excitement inside of me I think it's going to be somehow complicated. Though Bones' rerun is airing in 40 minutes so who knows... (The Dentist in the Ditch, that is).

omg!, bones, fangirl squeee

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