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Comments 13

elyndys October 17 2010, 16:08:24 UTC
I wasn't so keen on Animal Magic either, but there are so many other GREAT songs on the album! I love tte!!!!!!! And the instrumentals are cool too!

Aww it makes me sad when people are off K8! Even though I have been cheating on them a bit with Jedward, haha, but I was surprised how I suddenly fell back in love with K8, lol! I can't wait for this movie! ♥

Take care and stay warm~


gekkouw October 17 2010, 18:09:07 UTC
Haha, everyone's talking about tte! but I don't like it that much either ;D But I'm sure I'll like it and I just have to listen to it a lot. And yeah, the instrumentals <3 I feel these will fit the movie perfectly!

Nah, you cheat on them with Jedward all the time, lol!!! :D Sometimes I can cheat on them with Kpop >_> Especially when k8 is quiet. All we can do is wait now D: I'm sure they're busy with the tour things.

yeah, it's getting cold here >_<


elyndys October 17 2010, 21:16:45 UTC
Oh no, you don't like it?! :O Which is your favourite then?

Haha atm though I'm all "Twins? What twins?" XD I'm going to Ireland to see them next weekend and I'm like noooo I don't want to lose this happy K8 feeling I have right now! XD I hope K8 bring out a DVD of this tour, I really want to see these songs live! ♥

It's got chilly here too, got my heating on again! ^^'


gekkouw October 18 2010, 14:24:40 UTC
Well, I don't like it YET, haha. My fave? Well, I haven't listened to them that many times yet, but.... umm.. Baby baby and BOY I guess :D

and ah, don't even mention a DVD of the tour...I WANT IT SO BAD. I'll die if they don't release a DVD, for real.


arifuretakotoba October 17 2010, 16:55:20 UTC
I'm basically the same as you. At first I was sceptic regarding the album, because Eito didn't really convince me with their releases this year and Animal Magic made me go "Hm, this album is going to be different". And different it is, but I really really like some songs, such as Nakanaide Boku no Music and tte!! and of course baby baby <3 Though I must say that I don't really like their solo songs this time *sighs*
Oh I really want to watch the movie, I'm in love with eito!baby ;_; Each scene that is about the single members taking care of the baby is so heartwarming.

I really like the new layout, it fits the season :D

and nawwww, sarah conner *A*


gekkouw October 17 2010, 18:13:46 UTC
Ah, and I agree with you about the solos..... of course, topop is amazing, but the others? I don't know.... I'd love to listen to Subaru's voice all the time, but I just can't listen to Revolver. Too rock for me, I guess?

I wanna watch it tooo DX I'm sure I won't be able to wait for my own copy..... Blah.... THE BABY <3333333

And glad you like the layout <3


arifuretakotoba October 17 2010, 18:28:58 UTC
I think Topop stands out, but it's not quite my favourite song /: I like Kick and monologue, though. The other solos are quite blah, Subaru's song is too.. harsh, I think, and I'm not a big fan of the ballade-stuff Hina and Tacchon did >:

BABY ;___;
I knew I would be sorry that I didn't have the money to buy any copy. university is killing my purse, I spent 100 Euro buying BOOKS this week >>

of course I know the song XD DUH XD
Sarah Conner is a WELL known german artist, so I kind of grew up with listenting to her songs. I had to cope two weeks of a school trip listening to "From Sarah with love" XD The song is really beautiful, though <3


gekkouw October 17 2010, 18:33:20 UTC
Ah I forgot about monologue. It's pretty..♥ And Hina and Tacchon's solos... I like slow ballads, but those were a bit boring for me :/

SHE'S GERMAN??? OKAY, I OFFICIALLY FAIL. But oh well, I only got to "know her" today, and not even her, but only that song. I heard it on the tv lmao, and looked for it, because it's just too pretty ♥


(The comment has been removed)

gekkouw October 18 2010, 14:26:39 UTC
Baby baby and monogram. ♥ Those are great~

Ahhh, wwwell, but I think Monologue is OMGAMAZING. *.* I like that one so much~


hanmichi October 17 2010, 21:36:12 UTC
Lehet 15 képed, csak variálni kell a lejárati időkkel. Kiválasztod a +5 userpicet, Add to cart és a köv. oldalon a sárga alapon fekete szövegben találsz olyat, hogy Userpic Package Resizing Tool. Ott kiválaszthatod, hogy 15 képet akarsz, és ugyan valamivel rövidül a lejárati idő, de meglesz mind a 15. :) Nekem is csak 10 volt első körben, vettem hozzá ötöt, de nem képet kaptam, csak a lejárati idő hosszabbodott. De ezzel a Resizing Tool-lal át lehetett variálni. xD Próbáld ki. :) (Valószínűleg máshogy is el lehet jutni ehhez a Userpic P R Toolhoz, de nekem csak így sikerült. x'D)
A reklámok eltüntetésére meg - ha Mozillát használsz - van egy kiegészítő, a neve Adblock Plus (https://addons.mozilla.org/hu/firefox/addon/1865) és nincsenek többé idegesítő, állandóan futó reklámok. :)
Az Animal Magic engem se fogott meg első hallásra (még ötödikre sem xDD), de mióta Marcsinál olvastam a fordítását valahogy más szemmel (füllel) tekintek rá. :)


gekkouw October 18 2010, 14:32:09 UTC
és nemis kellett költenemrá, mert egyszer már elszartam, és pont volt egy sima hosszabítós benyomva, csak átkellett állítanom. JUHÉÉÉ KÖSZÖNÖÖM de tényleg olyan sokat segítesssz :)
vajon így lehet még többet is mint +15, vagy azt nem? :/

A reklámokkal kapcsolatban, meg ha én használom azt a progit akk eltünteti őket, de más látni fogja őket nem? :D az nemjó,akkr lehet h másnál tök gázul jelenik meg az oldal :/

animal magic. mióta nézem a pv-t egyre jobban kezdem megszeretni.. :D


hanmichi October 18 2010, 18:16:50 UTC
Sajna max. 15-öt lehet venni az ingyenes fiókhoz. De hátha egyszer változik. xD
Eeeegen, a reklámokkal kapcs. csak neked tünteti el, akkor ebből a szempontból nem jó.


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