If they fire you for it, and you were clear at the beginning of your availability, then you damn well better go to the labor board and sue their asses off. Because your hiring is a contract, and by hiring you/signing the application WITH YOUR HOURS CLEARLY MARKED on it, they are agreeing to abide by that availability. If they're telling you they are changing your schedule, they have to let you know IN WRITING.
well, i change my availability every semester, you know, for school. But I also tried to change it for ark's schedule ( WHY DO I BOTHER? >:O his schedule could NEVER be easy, that would make my life too simple @@ ) and it was rejected for that. but I didn't find out until after the schedule was made that my new availability was rejected. @.@
gah. too difficult. might as well quit, it's too hard to work that schedule around Ark's, and he like...refuses to talk to his supervisors about his not having a car of his own >->
God that sucks, that they are doing that o_O. You'd think some would be more understanding and if they aren't willing to work with you then I wouldn't worry about them. When I worked at MickyD's at least they worked with me minus on my b-day and telling me I can't go to my graduation.
lol yeah, my first job my boss was the most understanding dude ever. D: I used to ask for con weekends off like, the day before, and stuff like that and he was always okay with it. Even changed my schedule so I could get rides home, since ark started work at the same time that I finished, and gave me a ride once when he found out i was planning to walk home. @@
but this place...they're pretty much like fuck off and die. you're not a person at michael's, you're a number @.@ SOOOOOOO need a new job
Comments 4
gah. too difficult. might as well quit, it's too hard to work that schedule around Ark's, and he like...refuses to talk to his supervisors about his not having a car of his own >->
Good luck with that Gel!
but this place...they're pretty much like fuck off and die. you're not a person at michael's, you're a number @.@ SOOOOOOO need a new job
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