I find it annoying when people refuse critique or advice.
very rarely do I actually care enough about things I see people doing or whining about that I want to butt into. I am firmly of the belief that people can make their own mistakes and do their own things and if they really wanted to change how they do things ( this pertains to both art and life ) they would ask for help. So very rarely do I actually want to give advice to people. So really, this shouldn't bother me as much as it does.
but fuuuuccckkkk. sometimes I just read close friends' journals about how unhappy they are with their life, think of a few things they could really try that might help turn things around, and then read BUT DON'T GIVE ME ADVICE I'M FINE.
WELL. obviously, you're not fine if you're THAT unhappy, but WHY would you shun advice or help from friends? it just boggles me. it always gives me the impression, true or not, that the person simply wants attention and to wallow in their misery. If you're really unhappy, and you want it to change, you'd want any help available to make it easier, right? I dunno, I guess I just don't understand people.
it's REALLY annoying on art tho. I keep seeing a few of my friends ( because, again, i don't really care enough about the state of the art of people I don't know ) posting things like art or suits, which could be pretty awesome with a few fixes, and they're like DON'T CRITIQUE ANYTHING I DO OKAY GUYS?
How on EARTH do you expect to improve if you don't want critique? You know what? You CAN'T tell everything that's wrong with or that could be better about your piece. Otherwise, people wouldn't bother having critiques! D: People offering critiques are not trying to hurt you, they see something better in your piece, and are showing you how to get there. Sure, it's not the ego boost you want from "Oh, it's beautiful omfg!" but in the end, wouldn't doing a great piece be an even better reward than ass pats? :P
i dunno, it just frustrates me. personally, I'd love to help people, but i feel like if I offered advice to people it would do nothing but piss them off. I understand and appreciate the value of simply venting about life and just wanting sympathy, but at some point, if you're unhappy, you're going to need to pick up and turn your life around somehow. I guess everyone is going to live life their own way, but it seems like so many people just want to live it in this little bubble of WOE IS ME, MY LIFE SUCKS, regardless of how not sucky their life is or how much they could be doing to help themselves fix things.
-rolls- i guess this isn't really about anyone specific, but there are a few people I see doing this over and over again, and it's just been bugging me lately. especially the art part. I guess I just really feel like too many people now a days want life to be all fuzzy hugs and asspats about how awesome they are without really doing anything really praise worthy, or happiness and fulfillment from just sitting around on the internet all the time.
if you aren't improving yourself or working to do things that make you feel good about yourself, how can you expect to like yourself? Getting better at art, working a fulfilling job, doing things that scare you but improve your life, those are fulfilling. But doing the same thing day in and day out, never changing it or getting better, you stagnate and get depressed and bored. But no one wants to hear that. everyone wants to hear "oh, you're already awesome, you don't need improvement anywhere". And yeah, sometimes, the ego boosts are great to keep you going in hard times. But the good ego boosts are the ones that you get from being able to be proud of yourself. But again, nobody ever wants to hear that happiness and fulfillment might actually take hard work and self motivation. never.
@@ i guess...this is probably why people don't want life advice. and why I probably shouldn't be the one giving it anyways. too blunt. :P