new car is totaled.
Back to the volvo. Fuck.
So. I'm waiting to make a left hand turn, and pull out of the library parkinglot. A woman in a silver car stops and waves me on. So I wave back, and begin to pull out, and the guy slowing down behind her decides he doesn't want to wait, whips around her and hits my front drivers side quarter panel. Now. I pretty much always wear my seat-belt. I yell at my fiance' to wear hers, but I was only goin maybe a quarter of a mile down the street to another store, and for some reason didn't put it on. The guy hit my car with enough force to launch me into the passengers seat. Neither of them were wearing theirs either. he was fine, but his passanger flew forward and cracked the windshield with her head.
I have an eye witness that saw the entire thing, an employee at the library, and everyone else says this was completely his fault. However, the other driver is spanish, and the cop at the scene was spanish, and the cop says that it may be my fault, and the other driver had the right-of-way, since there is a turning lane there. He wasn't turning.
What are your thoughts?
Also I want to state that this was in our new car, that we hadn't even made the first months payment on.
( steal'd from ark's FA journal )