Why did he let himself be persuaded so easily? By now he should really know to be far, far away as fast as he can whenever Colonel Sheppard gives an idea the attribute “Hey, it’s gonna be fun!” Most of all when Sheppard’s superhero complex is thrown in the matter… like this time, for example: Just the two of them, taking on four Marines. “Hey, come on, three girls and a medic. That’s gonna be a cake walk!”
Cake walk, his ass. He really tried to talk Sheppard out of it, pointing out that Captain Reece could talk you into nearly anything if she really tries and that Captain Cadman can blow up whole buildings without breaking a sweat. He also took care to remind Sheppard that he saw Sergeant Mehra’s outstanding performance on that planet with the eyeless wonders Michael created himself and that Sergeant Meyers isn't just a medic but rather happens to have advanced medical training, along sharpshooting and desert warfare. None of that made any impact, though and because of that he now has to win a sophisticated game of “Capture the Flag” against a team of highly capable Marines with only his slightly crazy CO as a partner.
Okay, so, officially it’s an exercise in stealth, resourcefulness and tactics but when you cut all the official military language, euphemisms and paraphrasing it’s good old summer camp “Capture the Flag”, although only with one flag. It’s planted somewhere deep in the recesses of Atlantis and the only hint to its whereabouts is a tracking device planted somewhere in its vicinity. And whose idea was it to break up their already very small team? Oh right, Sheppard’s. Another thing he has already put on his “Told you so.” list.
Best he can do now is use his ATA gene and make the city his ally. Yeah, so Reece is also a natural gene carrier but not as strong as him and Sheppard. That has to count for something doesn’t it? Well, he thinks, time to leave your hidey-hole and get into action again. As if on cue, a series of clicks sound through his headset, meaning that Sheppard just told him that the coast is clear on his end of the city and to get moving again. Resisting an overdramatic sigh, he levels his Wraith stunner again.
Carefully rounding the corner, he tries to keep his grumbling to a minimum, concentrating on the lifesigns detector in his other hand, telling him that there are several lifesigns close by even though no one should be in this section of the city right now. Something’s foul here and he starts to wonder if they haven’t all underestimated the strength of Maureen Reece’s ATA gene.
While he slowly makes his way towards the nearest lifesign, he also wonders if they didn’t underestimate the weight of the challenge Sheppard accepted. When the Marines had been a bit miffed at Sheppard’s rather… flamboyant bearing prior to starting the exercise, they - or rather Captain Cadman as the team’s unofficial spokeswoman - had been bold enough to suggest a bet, saying that the victorious team could make the team that lost do whatever they wanted. In front of the whole Expedition. Sheppard, never one to let himself be called a coward, had accepted on the Air Force team’s behalf and the moment his CO did he knew the Marines would work extra hard to get them.
So he is extra careful, moving with determination but also vigilance, not taking any risks. Only a few feet to the next two lifesigns, somewhere in front of him… Another corner… Wait, what was that? Something just flitted around the corner in front of him… even though the detector doesn’t show anything. Sensing a trap and resisting a growl, he presses his back against the wall, far enough away from the crossing corridor that no one can shoot him but he can shoot everyone coming through that corridor.
And did he just hear someone giggle down that corridor? Okay, better try and find out who that is before he charges around that corner and scares some unsuspecting scientists to death. Not that any scientist should be here at the moment, but better safe than sorry. You never know with civilians. “I know someone’s around that corner. Identify yourself.”
Snorting. Then, whispered, “What do you think, Dusty?” Oh boy. Jackpot. He just found Sergeant Mehra and… was that Captain Cadman?
“The Major asked us a question, ma’am. I think we should answer.” Did he detect a note of sarcasm in Sergeant Mehra’s voice? And a grin?
“Alright, if you think so, Sergeant.” They don’t even bother with whispering anymore. Something… is afoot here, so he still keeps to his position. “Captain Cadman and Sergeant Mehra, sir. And before you come charging round that corner… let me just tell you that we have something of your interest.” Cadman sounds incredibly smug which makes him want to charge around and give her “something of your interest”. But his gut tells him that this is exactly what she wants him to do.
So instead of just coming around, he taps his earpiece, puts it off and carefully holds it into the direction from which the two voices came before he begins to speak. “And what would that be, Captain?” He just really, really hopes Sheppard realizes that he’s supposed to listen.
“It’s really just a little piece of fabric… with the Air Force logo on it.” What the…? Cadman already has the flag? Sure that Sheppard must have heard that, too he puts the earpiece back in but… there’s just nothing. Not even static. He taps the piece again… still nothing. He’d be damned if this sudden radio malfunction was accidental. Slowly it dawns on him that they did underestimate Captain Reece’s ATA gene and the Marines’ resourcefulness.
He can still try, even though he has no means to prove it. “You’re bluffing, Captain.” Again snorting.
“Sergeant, are we bluffing?” The amused grin in Cadman’s voice translates itself into her voice and for some reason he can imagine Mehra’s corresponding slightly sarcastic grin.
“Nope, ma’am. Marines don’t need to bluff.” God, putting Cadman and Mehra on the same team was such a bad idea. Even he underestimated the danger that could be posed by Cadman and Mehra together. He really shouldn’t have assumed automatically that if they split their team, Cadman would team up with either Reece or Meyers, never with Mehra. If there’s one thing he already learned from this exercise it’s that he should start pay more attention to his Marines again.
“Damn right, Dusty. But maybe we should tell the Major that someone found the flag before us… and didn’t exactly show the Air Force the right respect.” Dammit, he needs to find a way to find out if they really have the flag or if they’re just bluffing. But then again… if they had the flag… why would they be hanging around this corridor instead of marching straight to the next transporter and beam back to Woolsey’s office to claim their glory?
But before he can tell her that he has seen right through their little game, Mehra answers Cadman, “Yeah, it’s really not pretty. Ma’am… what does it say here? Really can’t make out that handwriting.” Handwriting? Huh?
“I think… that’s supposed to mean… “All Hail to the Chair Force” Yep, that’s right. Oh, look here… “Sleep tight tonight, your Air Force is awake… if they aren’t drunk.” Mh… I’ve read better stuff. Anyway… you can really be happy we found the flag so fast, sir. I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if we hadn't!” Alright, that’s enough. They had their fun. Now it’s time he has his.
“Okay, I get it, Cadman. What do you want me to do?” Not that he’d do it but he needs to stall a little until this malfunction - no matter what caused it - is gone. The odds are still two against one and he just isn't Sheppard which means that he is better friends with caution.
“Oh, nothing. We just didn’t want you to come charging round when the whole exercise is already over.” As if he believed that. Marines being afraid of a zoomie coming around a corner. Uh-huh. Yeah, sure.
“You don’t expect me to believe that, right?” It’s a little scary how well he can imagine Cadman’s bright grin and Mehra’s smirk. And how much he’d love to wipe them off their faces.
“We’re not going to shoot you, sir. Promise. Come on, there’s a transporter just a few feet away from our position. We can go back to the Gate room together.” She sounds sincere… doesn’t she? And they really could have the flag. Ah, dammit.
“Okay, prove it, Cadman. Show me the flag and I’ll give in.” Some whispering between Cadman and Mehra, this time not demonstratively loud so he assumes that this wasn’t part of their plan until now.
Then, “Alright. Sergeant Mehra and I will come forward now, nice and slow. We won’t shoot you, if you don’t shoot at us.” It sounds like she means it… and if they come to him he still has an advantage over them.
“Fine. No shooting, Captain.” He hears steps coming towards him, nice and slow as promised.
“Of course no shooting, sir.” And they are there… with a piece of fabric that could be the flag in Mehra’s hand. He already wants to reach out for it but Cadman stops him, saying with a smirk, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, sir.”
He wants to ask what he shouldn’t do but when he takes a step forward suddenly the telltale blue glittering of a force shield going down appears before him and his momentum carries him right into it. Shortly before his body hits the field, he really regrets joining Sheppard in this. This will really be the last time he ever does that.
TBC in
In the Mood for a Dance.